Karma: 4325
Answers: 268
What made you smile today?
Answers: 25
Views: 1535
Rating: 9
Posted: 13 years ago
Watching a kid play with a slinky and thinking about that old joke about how slinkies are like ignorant people - neither are really worth anything except they both bring smiles to my face when I push them down the stairs.
Rating: 1
Posted: 13 years ago
can I connect my laptop computer to the cars cigarette lighter and what do i need to do that.
Answers: 3
Views: 1709
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
Yes, I use a 12 volt adapter with no problem for my mac. Mine is the 400 model and it works great. No problems at all.
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
I have wifi from comcast. How do I put a lock on it to prevent people from using it and taking away my bandwidth?
Answers: 1
Views: 3381
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
Check your security. It is probably set to public. Just change the setting to add a security word to keep others out. Not difficult. I'm sure you will be able to figure it out. But look for the security file on your computer and change it to whatever you want.
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
how can i add an usb port to my computer
Answers: 2
Views: 497
Rating: 1
Posted: 13 years ago
I just added a usb port adapter that had four usb ports that plugged into one. Relatively cheep too. Got it at Target.
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
I got locked out of my ipod
Answers: 1
Views: 562
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
Same thing happened to ours. Check on the Apple website for the instructions to get back into your ipod - each style is a little different and is just a little different to unlock. Ours was fairly easy to get back into. I'm sure your is too.
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
what is the relationship between size of firebox and fluepipe size in fireplaces
Answers: 1
Views: 512
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
It all has to do with the draw of smoke out of the fire place and how efficient it will be. For example, a short fat fireplace with a huge chimney would allow lots of smoke to leave via the roof, but it would allow lots of heat to leave too!
But a tall skinny fireplace may not allow enough smoke to rise to cause efficient convection to occur to draw more particulates up the chimney. But there are rules of thumbs for fireplace efficiency and hight of the smoke stacks. Here is a good place to start:
Rating: 2
Posted: 13 years ago
what are some INTRESTING facts about Grey County?
Answers: 1
Views: 1051
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
Grey County is what state or country? I am sure there are multiple Grey Counties. Please be more specific on where Grey County is located.
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
Why is it that over the past 50/60 years Britain has been unable to grow GDP by more than about 3% and when growth does attain those sorts of dizzy heights why does inflation take off with the results that interest rates have to rise thus reigning in growth?
Answers: 1
Views: 415
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
Sounds like someone want us to do their economy homework. :-)
Part of the earliest history of the period had to do with what England was doing early on in this period... Remember WWII? Well, England had a lot of reconstruction to do, and that never really adds to the Gross Domestic Product. It just replaces what should have already been there but wasn't because of the war. Next, we are talking about the aggregate of the entire nation, but on the individual level too. So look at the individuals and ask yourself, what were they doing to make money over this time? Hint: England is not known for their educational levels being all that high. As far as the relationship between inflation and GDP, ask yourself this...what does inflation really mean? How is it related to the buying ability of individuals and what do individuals need to do to keep up with inflation? Figure that out and you'll be able to compare and contrast England to the US on your final in your Comparative Political Science class too. Incidentally, this same question is being referenced in and about China today both by their internal governing bodies and various nations like the USA who are concerned about the monetary exchange rate. But most economists and political science people (as well as historians like me) agree that as the Chinese GDP goes up, and inflation goes up with it, the monetary exchange concerns will not longer be a concern because Chinese goods will no longer be cheaper within or outside China and the playing field for goods will be even once again.
Hope that helps get you on the right track.
Rating: 2
Posted: 13 years ago
where can you get trick lottery tickets
Answers: 1
Views: 558
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
most gas stations in the midwest were selling them for a while, but you can find them at the mall at Spenser Gifts. At least they used to have them too.
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
What is the difference between Mood and Emotion in photography
Answers: 1
Views: 622
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
"Setting the mood" has to do with lighting and ambiance.
"Bringing out the emotion" has to do with the people in the set and what they are doing.
The best example of both has to do with the Pulitzer Prize winning photograph of the Vietnam Soldier holding the gun to the man's head, a moment before the execution. The mood is tense, bleak, and stark. The emotion is heart wrenching. No one I know who sees that picture and who understands what is going on, has ever been the same afterwards.
The prisoner whose last instant is captured in Adam’s shot was Nguyen Van Lem. A Viet Cong operative, who like other Viet Cong agents went by the secret name of Captain Bay Lop (Lop was his wife’s first name). His wife, who still lives in Saigon (Now Ho Chi Minh City), confirms that Lem was a member of the Vietcong and that he disappeared shortly before the Tet Offensive never to return. Lem’s role in the Viet Cong is murky. Most reports give him the role of a Captain in a Viet Cong assassination and revenge platoon responsible for the killing of South Vietnamese policemen and their families. Eddie Adams was told by Loan that Lem had killed one of Loan’s friends and his family, "They found out that [Lem] was the same guy who killed one of his ---uh---Loan’s officers and wiped out his whole family." Yet facing international pressure when the picture and footage aired Vice President Ky, said the prisoner had not been in the Viet Cong but was "a very high ranking" communist political official. History hasn’t clarified Lem’s role in the Vietcong and the Vietnamese government has never acknowledged his role in the war. Lem's widow and children lived in poverty for years before being discovered by a Japanese TV crew living in a field. It was only then that the Vietnamese government provided her shelter.
Rating: 0
Posted: 13 years ago
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