your comment on the pot is so like a poem ...
Thanks! I highly recommend planting seeds along the edge of a see through container...a small thing but quite thrilling!
Hey monkee..Iwas trying to vote you up for your question and I'm not sure if it went through properly..let me know, OK?
25 Answers
My customers make me smile everyday, they are funny!! And I get their money -- That makes me smile more!
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
That's great! What kind of store do you have? I can tell when clerks and store owners are happy and it makes me happy! :)
I love to play the piano!!! it is so relaxing! I especially love to be lazy and just chord, but sometimes I make myself play the left hand!!
I think that would be a fun job! Bet you get to hear some neat things when people try them out!
I think that would be a fun job! Bet you get to hear some neat things when people try them out!
Actually, listening to some of the showboats that come in just to impress their girlfriends is very funny.. Most can't play but three chords, they get all cocky, its fun to take em down a few notches sometimes.. :)
I met a super cool, smart, lady today, we were talking about black holes and the universe etc., she's married so it was strictly platonic, but just a very interesting person to have a conversation with. I was smiling for a while, it's nice to meet someone friendly out there, instead of the usual Jerks...
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
No kidding! I love just random chats in the mall, or in the lineup at a store, or wherever! The other day I was in line behind a lady who had three little children that were fairly lively, found out they were her neices and had a lovely little chat! Miss out on those things when we are just looking down or too focused on our day and schedule!
Very good point monkey, sometimes we are in to much of a hurry to even spend a few extra seconds to ask someone how their day is? Just saying hello can be uncomfortable for some people, It almost always winds up to be quite rewarding though.
I find it such a fun challenge to try to brighten peoples day by smiling and/or saying hello! I guess it stems from when I was a teen and working with the public! I love friendly encounters! Thanks for the thumb up!
No problem, Yeah I like to start conversations with people who seem to have a lot on their minds, just knowing that I may get a chance to encourage them, knowing that it will brighten up their day. It's a great feeling to help cheer someone up if you get the chance. Thanks Monkey, nice talking with you..
Actually just going on this site and seeing familiar friends' names and especially the new folks and their opinions always make me smile...(:
ole hipster
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
When you've been here for a bit (a very short time for me) it is kind of nice to see familiar names! Would sure be nice if we could convince Colleen to stay! are you doing yourself? Well I hope Colleen will come back woman...she got PO'd about some folks' comments and/or answers, which can be understandable...I know she's watching us right now so come on Colleen! Come back to the fold! Always your friend...ole hipster here..(:
Knowing it is the last day of school.. I get to what my baby girl grad from 5th grade. On to middle school next year. Cant wait to give all the kids at school my love and congrads.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | | are a teacher?! Or are you talking about your daughters grad where you will congratulate them?
I am a substutute... Ihave been with these kids since they were 4.. I have some of my kids graduating this year... Love it.
Wow! That's great! Enjoy! My lil sis is graduating this summer! Hard to grasp! Glad I still have a little five year old sis to keep me in that stage a little longer!! (We are ages 34 to 2!!! My folks foster and adopt!!)
Me laying on a float in the pool and my daughter wading in to stand next to me am massage my back... She said I looked hot and needed water on my back to cool me down...
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Thanks Monkey... Everyday is Mothers day for me... My family thinks I am priceless and treats me that why.. I dont know what I did for them to be so awesome, but they are.
You must have shown them love! People respond so well to love! And, people know when they are loved!
I had a very special thing happen to me today!! I just have to share it!
I was shopping at Superstore this evening and while in the coffee section a man came over and asked me for help. He had a big can of Tim Hortons coffee and asked if this is the kind you make? I don't think I really understood what he was saying (he is a foreigner to the english language, but tried to explain that you need a coffee maker and filters. Then showed him some that you can use to make one cup, 'cause he said he was alone. So finally I told him he might like a one cup maker then. LOL It was all quite cute, but I don't think I understood his question and I don't think he understood my answers!! He was very dear in thanking me! It made me feel so good that he asked me for help! I always hope that if someone needs help they will feel they can approach me!
I was shopping at Superstore this evening and while in the coffee section a man came over and asked me for help. He had a big can of Tim Hortons coffee and asked if this is the kind you make? I don't think I really understood what he was saying (he is a foreigner to the english language, but tried to explain that you need a coffee maker and filters. Then showed him some that you can use to make one cup, 'cause he said he was alone. So finally I told him he might like a one cup maker then. LOL It was all quite cute, but I don't think I understood his question and I don't think he understood my answers!! He was very dear in thanking me! It made me feel so good that he asked me for help! I always hope that if someone needs help they will feel they can approach me!
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Vinny saying he doesn't like me. :)
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Was if he the one that was joking about getting you kicked off? I told him not to dare do it, so he'll be scared now!! ;) As if!
Yes, that was Vinny. He's evil. Beware of him ;)
Thank you for having my back. One can never have too many fiends, especially me, the non believer! LOL
Thank you for having my back. One can never have too many fiends, especially me, the non believer! LOL
It does. It's the Christians doing their duty in trying to help save people. Everyone has their own beliefs. :)
By the way, I'm kidding about Vinny. He's a cool guy. Don't tell him I said that though. He'll get a fat head and none of us will be able to stand him.
I'll keep it a secret from Vinny:)
Well, I believe in the Word of God, but I don't believe in wearing my belief on my shirt, so to speak, and I certainly don't believe in pushing it on others! If they want it they will find it.
Well, I believe in the Word of God, but I don't believe in wearing my belief on my shirt, so to speak, and I certainly don't believe in pushing it on others! If they want it they will find it.
"If they want it they will find it. "
Exactly as I believe. I also believe if they truly want it, it will find them ;)
Exactly as I believe. I also believe if they truly want it, it will find them ;)
Well me leaving should alleviate a lot of the upsets. The Christian soldiers don't like me. I'll leave them to you all :)
Colleens` comment about the grand father clocks I make.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
If I was there you would not have to ask. I have three on the go at the moment. I try to come up with a differnt design for each one. Yours would have a big heart on the topxx.
I have contact with Colleen by e-mail and I sent her photos of clocks. Colleen found MY e-mail address by being sneaky and contacted me. Needless to say I can`t post my e-mail on here for the world to know.
Seeing Colleen back!
Talking to some random person in the store!
Seeing Sad One back...even if with a different name!!
Talking to some random person in the store!
Seeing Sad One back...even if with a different name!!
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Thank you monkey. You made me smile with this "Seeing Colleen back!" :) As for sad one, she will be suspended again. She is too young (12 years old) and does not belong on this site. She was also rude and nasty and gave Randy a hard time he did not deserve. We have to draw the line on age due to some of the content on this site. Her parents are responsible for her. Let them take care of her. She'll be honest with them when she decides she needs them. ;)
Thanks, Colleen! I just ache for kids that are needy! I had such a great upbringing that I just wish others could too! My parents were foster parents and I just have this strong feeling towards needy kids! I really hope she does okay! Glad they are getting her to counseling! Thanks for explaining...I guess I'm a bit of a push over! Good thing I'm not a moderator!! lol
Tender hearts are needed in this world. I thank God for you and people like you. We level heads will keep you from causing too much damage though, lol (((monkey)))
Aw...thanks, Colleen! You're a dear and it is so great to have you back! Here's hoping you don't get bugged too much!!!! Night night! (((Colleen)))
Watching a kid play with a slinky and thinking about that old joke about how slinkies are like ignorant people - neither are really worth anything except they both bring smiles to my face when I push them down the stairs.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Crazy!!! I've never heard of that joke!! I actually kind of like it... except I think I'd rather push the slinky than the people!! LOL Thanks for the laugh and the smile!! I'd TU but I'm out of them!
my gf playing the piano for me :)
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Hmmm...she must be pretty good! I love it when my sister plays, too! I enjoy playing myself...relaxing!
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