The best way to firm the glutes and legs it by doing squats and dead-lifts.
You should be filing a claim with the Disabled American Veterans (DAV), this is a free service available to any veteran. You can contact your regional DAV office, to help you. Most DAV regional offices have a representative in the VA hospital, or the VA hospital can get you in contact with the DAV. When the DAV handles your claim they can give you the status via phone.
1994 miles
Can you be a little clearer?
1 kg = 2.2 lbs.
4lbs = 1.82 kg
The average person needs 2,000 kcal to maintain their weight. Any exercise is to be deducted from that amount and you should eat the same quantity to supplement your intake. This website can help you get the exact number depending on your height, age, activity level and weight.
Universalization test