to mycatsmom heack yes bag bag bag there goes me m60 machine gun ye ha iam ellies from left for dead 2
eysy i was speeding into a stack of cartires it was the safety wall and itz waz fun plus it was a race
hi hope you like thais map
hi eggplant if there are aliens menupalte what on erath is that word mens if its bad theen time for. rpg war macheine gun xm8 shermen tanks and c4's with a tank and amrican airforce ps its fun :) :)
its called teen the drum rools battle field vitnam and in real life i drive a quad bike and stack it in a car tire and there was no snigle scrach on me and i do drive and abrams tank called remote controll lold
muhamed is the profet of islam my religen and plus dont be racist to hem daren 1 are you and pleass dont be mad
dude there is nothing but darkness as fullen aroud me scren nothing
i fell shock in the stomch bet he deserv that why becouse he was once a good person they he smelt power and i think he turn evil plus dont get mad at lest seria is ok fro now or something
hi i get anoyind at school whene i learn next think you know theey tease me theen wam i punch em in the face sometimes now i try to came down next i see a scyrotist docter i talk abot it theen they herd about my angermanegment and theay drive me angrey all over a gain i cant stop theam so i pry why allha bye from sniper 1237 or call me fall battle rifle
hi bob/pkb i drive an abrams tank and an shermen and flyed in an f18 jet plane in an vidio game