That HE LOVES US and Believes in US to do what is Right when faced with the choice of doing what is Right and Wrong. He does and it just humbled me whenever I reflect on it. We humans have such a limited tolerance for one another. Here is the Maker of it all treating us with such undeserved Kindness.
Fear the Powerful winds that drop in from out of no where powerful enough to Blow your house down.
Fear any Country that feels it's better than any other and has to be on top.
Fear the persons who are in charge of the RED BUTTONS that could launch deadly missles of doom.
Fear the Evil Spirit that permeates this world. It makes Fun of all the bloody, Violent Games, Movies ,Songs, Books, TV programs that fill the heads and hearts of our youth.
Fear the idea that there is NO GOD and those who push the idea that we alone are the Cause and Cure of our disfuntional society.
Fear getting Older and Deseased and Out of Control. Life is so short and unforfilled.
Fear the one who made all things wonderful and good. Hope he IS Loving and Merciful and will step in and change Mankind's corse of self distruction.
Wow OK well so little time. I like some of the ideas. I love the Ocean Side but I think I'd rather be ATOP the Highest Point where the City meets the Country with the most Powerful Telescope and people watch. I love the pizza idea. Make mine thin crust with fresh Garlic on top, yum. I too want some Chocolate truffles. A few fruit shaped Marzipan please. Pour and sniff and drink Red Wine and an endless list of all my old favorits songs playing so I can sing to them till the end. This old song comes to mind for this day. "If you don't know me by NOW". Everyone I love and who loves me should already know how I feel about them. It was never a secret. This IS ME TIME.
Try Book stores.
Try Staples, Office Max, Library, tourist and travel places.
Depends ! Is it trying to Avoid being dinner? In other words what is it's motivation? Is there a Hungry Pesty Cat in close proxsimity?
To be sure to get the best answer find out where the Circus is in town then ASK some CLOWNS.
And you can ask a bunch of 'Frat Boys' what the record is to beat for people that fit in a van.