    As an Atheist, Agnostic, or student of secular humanism, what is the most difficult thing to believe about God?

    Why is it so difficult to believe that there is a God? What is so difficult to believe for you personally?

    +6  Views: 3138 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: faith god beliefs

    19 Answers

    As a bible thumping fundamentals I can't see how you can't believe.

    Once you accept Him he will reveal himself to you.

    Thats what Jesus meant when he said have eyes and can't see, ears and can't hear.

    That makes so much sense to me,if one doesn't accept him,because they have not let him in,that makes them strangers.He has given them a choice,but he wont force himself in if he is not wanted.
    Believe God can and will work things out for good. Things are always the most difficult when we can't see the other side of our troubles.
    I don't find it that hard to believe in God, just look around and see what He has done for us
    Another good question to bring back up today.
    i find it harder to beleive in atheism than i do in god..god gave us free will to beleive or not.. one look at a mountain tells me we did not evolve..nor did the evolutionist
    The most difficult thing to believe for a lot of folks is his actual existence....enough said (:
    papa peg

    Hi ole hipster havent talked to you for awhile.Hope you are doing good.Don
    Randy, you said:
    "As a bible thumping fundamentals I can't see how you can't believe."

    I explained why I can't in my comment. Did you read it?

    "Once you accept Him he will reveal himself to you."

    Seriously, how do I accept Him ?(notice the respect I show you by capitalizing the h ) Do I simply ask, as in "Jesus I accept you as my savior" Do I have to demonstrate a certain degree of measurable conviction? If so, how do I measure it? How does He?
    And what happens then? Does He suddenly download a bunch of goodness upon me? I'm quite serious,Randy.
    Headless Man

    Glad to response:
    1st-You must learn as much as you can for your believes, but it all comes down to faith, you do need some faith that Jesus is the way the truth and the life. (The fundamentals coming out in me)

    2nd-Then you ask Him to make Himself real to you and if your sincere He will. ( You can't do it as a test, you must be sincere, thats why you find a lot that are on their last straw, so to speak, have no where else to go )

    3rd-Then you live it, old habits won't go away easy you will need to watch language and un-Jesus habits. When you slip-up and you will, you ask for forgiveness and go on.

    4th- Study the Bible, the New Testament to start.

    5th Pray daily and keep on the right road in everything you do, be honest, trustworthy, sincere. Avoid things that make you slip.

    6th- You accept God on step 2, but you haven't turned your life completely over to Him until the Holly Spirit comes to you, can be at the same time or a good time later, depends on your efforts and influences.

    Hope this helps.

    Randy you have summed it all up in a nutshell,I couldn't of said that any better,you know what it is to be a TRUE christian.Even in cyber space your love for Jesus shines as bright as the stars.:)

    Thanks, Randy. It seems to have worked for you and many others as well. One of the biggest issues that I have is that of "faith". I'm not against the use of faith, or trust. I just don't think that it should precede action or evidence.
    As a child, I had absolute faith in my parents. Not because they created me but because of the unconditional love that they showered me with.Every day was filled with numerous demonstrations of their love for me.This is the tangible sort of "proof" that made me reciprocate my adoration towards them. Consequently, I had absolute faith in my parents.
    Had they been abusive towards me or even passively neutral, my faith (trust) towards them would be non-existent.
    As to faith in God, or the mere belief in His existence goes, I need to "feel the love" tangibly, in real terms,not just by being told that it exists even if I don't feel it.

    And so, it's like the horse and cart. What comes first?
    The bible-bashers would turn most people into atheists.

    I know the ones here turned me completely against their religion anyway. All I can see in their religion is the negativity that they shoved at me. This threat of hell and crap. Why would I even want to begin to follow or even want to know a belief like that? It's all so unGod like.

    Here, here!

    I cant remember who said it but I agree with this; 'The act of worship, as carried out by christians seems to be debasing rather than ennabling. It involves grovelling before a being who, if he really exists, deserves to be denounced instead of respected'
    Skeptics abound. I too had difficulty getting my head around God. I questioned, never argued his existence with many through the years. It seemed that I always got a particular persons interpretation of the Holy spirit was. I got tired of the hypocrisy amongst them as well. I stopped asking others and followed my heart. I know God today and feel whole. (I hope he's not pissed when I refer to him as the "Big Guy")

    As a child I believed in God. That gave me an opportunity to  commune with God and advance in my thinking until one day I noticed that my childhood beliefs were in the way of my understanding God in some respects. So I choose to revoke my childish beliefs and retain my relationship with God in a relationship that is based entirely on faith. The advancement to living by faith is like throwing crutches away and walking unaided by their support. I stumble along on occasion but I have learned to live in the light of Gods love and this has led me in ways I could not have known otherwise. I am very happy and relaxed with all that is happening in my life and I know the way I am going is safe and loving.

    I know atheist who live by faith and rejected their beliefs as if it was not a necessary part of their life’s progress to where they are now. I see that as funny because they could not walk before they crawled…denying that makes them seem to be a fool. Those beliefs are part of us all…our history as children allowed us to become adults. 


    Beautiful, uplifting and most touching my brother. Thanks for sharing this precious Light. God bless your understanding. Amen
    This question would take pages to answer to but before I begin my selective non sequitur response, I will do so knowing ,in advance, that most believers will put their defensive guard up and vilify my opinion without stepping back and judging the comments on their logical merit.

    As an agnostic, I don't KNOW with certainty that a god exists or not. I believe that the onus is on proving that he/she/it exists and NOT on whether he doesn't. The evidence is weak from the outset since there is no unanimity of which god IS god. Is it Jesus,Mohammed,Buddha,any Greek multitheistic figure ?...the list goes on. The only common belief amongst these numerous branches is that they all believe that THEIRS is the ONLY true and real god, complete with a cornucopia of competing and often diametrically opposed theologies.

    To further compound the difficulty in believing any of these self-professed unique owners of the true god, are the (here it goes) infantile fables that are presented as indisputable truth. As an adult who is open to reasonable discourse,I am less offended than perplexed as to how other seemingly reasonable adults are able and willing to believe in such incredulous narratives such as, in no particular order.

    IMMACULATE CONCEPTION: Would you believe ANY pregnant female who tried to convince you that "nothing really happened"
    TURNING WATER INTO WINE: This possibility alone would make me a believer if it could only be replicated in my cellar.
    72 VIRGINS: Allah akbar. Not 71 or 73 mind you, 72. That's quite a godly reward for promoting the cause.

    I'll stop here for now.

    That he exists, plain and simple!


    I have put my bible away for the meantime because I feel that it was rewritten (at least in part if not mostly) by those that thought it didn't suit them. I believe in God, I believe in Jesus, I believe in the teachings I learned in Sunday School and church. I try to live a Christian life as best as I can. The rest I leave alone. The Christmas story is a wonderful one, same with the stories of the miracles and healings. But I don't need them to live my life, I don't need them to set examples for me. I can go out into my backyard and just absorb all the wonderfulness of everything that God created, tell him how thankful I am to be here and be alive, and leave it at that. I trust that he is out there and hears me.

    That lazy ignorant creatures like you would ask for proof , is like asking for proof of your own earthly mother or father.  You obviously have taken not time to ponder or honestly search for anything, but ways to satiate your senses.  For all things have birth even Time, Universes all that is or is not.

    That HE LOVES US and Believes in US to do what is Right when faced with the choice of doing what is Right and Wrong. He does and it just humbled me whenever I reflect  on it. We humans have such a limited tolerance for one another. Here is the Maker of it all treating us with such undeserved Kindness. 

    That there is one.

    Seeing is believing.

    With the topic of God, the answer is simple:  You either have faith of His existence or you don't.  If you do, no proof is necessary.  If you don't, no proof would ever convince you.

    Yes, the answer is:  Faith, or the lack thereof.

    There was an old man with a beard.

    Who said 'I demand to be feared,

    Adress me as God,

    And love me, you sod'

    And man did just that. Which was wierd.


    We accept all beliefs and non belief here. Lighten up on the belief in God. We are a help forum and no on e is allowed to post in a manner that is offensive and designed just to upset others. Your continued harassment of the idea of God is not acceptable. Please stop.

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