This is not true. This reflect the wishful thinking of the writer. 'Thoropathai' never lived.The writer's desire to engage in 'polygamy' is portrayed but it paved way for justification of prostitution in a camouflaged manner.The 'Thevathasis' might have been the off springs from this myth.
You are really going out of America. Be in America and find out ' What you have done to your country than asking What the country has done for YOU' Go back!!!
To move you should know first where you are now. If you are not able to define where you are you will never succeed!
There is 'making' an ' breaking'- the World like any other creations will have to have its end. You have to go a little further to see the beginning of 'girl marrying girl and man marrying man'. That is the beginning of the end of 'procreation' of human. It is the matter of time. You can't stop this process. I being one belong to your way of thinking feel very sad but you can not stop this process toward the end.
God is Omnipotent and Omnipresence! Do not 'hire' others to pray for you. He is near you always and it is only for you to ask Him His Mercy. He Always Loves All His Creations.
Physical exhaustion alone will not lead to sleep. In the mind if you carry any unanswered question the sleep will not come. Do you carrying any such questions? Find the answer then you will smile and sleep!!!!!!!!!!
One who is a companion and consort all along.