I asked a pretty similar question earlier. Me, I'm in Chicago IL, USA.
Doctors these days are VERY hesitant about prescribing both "diet pills" (speed kills or say they say) and narcotic pain relievers (though there are many, many people who would benefit from them and have a much better quality of life). They are afraid you'll get "hooked". You'd probably have to know your family doctor for a number of years or put yourself in the hands of some quack!
Quite climbing those trees and stop stealing their nuts. You have your own!
I believe they fear him. The man is loony tunes!
I believe Igor may be available! Let's hook him up!
Death and taxes, both are inevitable, but neither is looked forward to
Most of the folks who lay claim to UFO sightings are slightly wacked it seems. However, there is that realm of possibility that WE ARE NOT ALONE!!!
My dear departed Mom used to say this at times. I believe it means if something can go wrong it will.
JFK, hands down. He had some great charisma and gave baby boomers hope. I often wonder what might have been had he not been assassinated so early in his presidency and so early in his life.
Wishful thinking