17 Answers
I live on the south side of Chicago. Believe me here you definitely need both!
14 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Thank you for your response. We have to stay three-steps forward because we will be moved two-steps back!!!
I've met people with very little education, but had common sense and they did pretty well in life. I have also met people with extensive educations that never really had a lot of success. But they are both very important to have. Street smarts isn't always the same thing as common sense, and common sense isn't very common.
14 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Education is the key to everything. Education comes in many forms. We use what we learn in schools to help navigate our way through life. We use what we learn on the streets to become wise in matters of survival.
I have heard over the years many people complain because they are cold or hungry and know from first hand experience they have no idea in the world. When you are living in a position where you do not know where or when you might get your next meal or you are so cold you do not know you will wake again when you go to sleep. That is certainly an education.
A scholar with a university degree who looks down his nose at an aboriginal in a loin cloth living in the desert with a spear might take a different view if he were to find himself in the desert in the same position. Education is relative to your environment. The key is to have a balance and the environment in which you live dictates much. However if you gain an education from schools you have many more appealing options than if you are just street wise. You can gain much more experience with knowledge as you then have a broader view.
14 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Thank you for your response. Education is key to everything. I do believe you need them both.
For sure ..once you have been a thug in the streets ,dissociated to become man of the house, Academiclly inclined or thrust as director of head office affairs...one tends to see that You definitely need BOTH, Academic Knowledge and Street Smarts...more so academic knowledge caring the greater ballance
14 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Life experience is an excellent platform for academia. Many college/universities grant credit for street/life.
I know a host of good people who lack one or the other. Certainly some excel no matter what background. Still, the best product often comes from those with both disciplines. Neither should be discounted.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
If in reality one loves the got education, the street will be the next for a lot of porposes that is called, also, realization. The same way, many people coming from the streets culture becomes great writers in many fields realizing, after, they own graduations.
In reality we got one with the other and is practically impossible to dissociate one from another. For the ones that the "street graduation" is absent, the title 'glass-of-milk' is the first and redundant qualification :) But, for sure, the lack of the street experience will be a strong amputated aspect that will mark a person as a lack of experience-knowledge: un-habil.
14 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
I try to be as thankful and grateful as I possible can!!!