Answers: 1183
How do I install Doctors desktop?
Answers: 2 Views: 1032 Rating: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

Better not too - I would say.

Rating: 3 Posted: 9 years ago
Can you have sex with a friend and still maintain the friendship?
Answers: 38 Views: 3755 Rating: 14 Posted: 13 years ago

Hello everyone - yet again missed you all - not a good year for me. I have also had difficulty finding you as my toolbar has changed I used to have a rectangular box with "ask a question" inside it but it has disappeared. Hoping you are all happy and coping in this mesmerizing mess of a world albeit I am really an optimist.  I will try to answer this as I see it with trepidation.     There is love without sex. - There is sex without love. - There is friendship without love. - There is friendship without sex. - There is friendship with sex and there is friendship with love and sex.      If any of these make sense. I have stayed friends with men I have had sex with -  ? what's love got to do with it? Although I did think most of the time there was love and of course there is that thing called "in love" but definitely knew on occasions it was purely sex a women realizes this from the body language of the man - excuse the pun. What is love? there are so many definitions. It depends how strong the feelings are i.e. friendship, respect and love. Compatibility is the key.     Many people are chaste even though they are married and will say they love and respect each other and are the best of friends - their souls meet which is the greatest love of all.      Religion and spirituality are two different entities.         

Rating: 0 Posted: 9 years ago
Hospital tommorow for that melinoma,
Answers: 11 Views: 1234 Rating: 10 Posted: 9 years ago

Hector - like Ducky - I would like to know?

Rating: 11 Posted: 9 years ago
What were you doing just before logging into AKAQA?
Answers: 11 Views: 1064 Rating: 9 Posted: 9 years ago

Hello everyone - I hope you are all good. My server has been out of action for over a month and just before I logged into here, I was trying to re-install my old google toolbar which had "ask a question" on it in green which I accidentally deleted. I should just leave things simple and not simpler as Einstein said. It was so easy with the green bits.

Rating: 9 Posted: 9 years ago
is safe fo some couple between 40 and 50 to have a baby
Answers: 8 Views: 1003 Rating: 2 Posted: 9 years ago

sweetkandy - what do you mean by "safe". There is no reason why this is not possible and I am sure you are aware of the risks to the unborn child and will be responsible i.e. alcohol, cigarettes etc. Of course it is OK go ahead - just be responsible. Forget all this genetic stuff - this can apply to younger parents Too! Nowadays they have technologies which can detect Down's Syndrome and maybe other defects prior to baby being born and obviously genetics if known would have to be checked as to their possibility of passing this to the unborn child.   I guess as Clu says - finances come into it but where do they not - You can manage I am sure - there are many famous, talented and intelligent people who come from poor backgrounds.  

Rating: 2 Posted: 9 years ago
can any one tell a good site for romantic love poems for my girlfriend
Answers: 3 Views: 566 Rating: 1 Posted: 9 years ago

I have a book called "The Poets of the 19th Century" (The Lansdowne Poets) Frederick Warne and Co., London and New York - 1892. These poems are rather long and only a few romantic ones. I also have Poems of W.B. Yeats. These equally are not all romantic - there is the most beautiful one I recognise though goes like this just a little:- Title - "When You Are Old" begins When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; and so it goes on, doesn't sound romantic but in it's entirity it is - most people will recognise this poem - not so long either. I have many other books of poetry around the place like The Oxford Book Of English Verse, Milton Bryon, Shakespeare et cetera but like mycatsmom says google romantic poems by famous poets. Or poems of Love, but not romantic poets as this will cover everything. Sweetkandy - you sound not only sweet but pretty romantic yourself.  

Rating: 4 Posted: 9 years ago
r u a cat?
Answers: 10 Views: 1011 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

Do you mean "cat" as in The Year Of The Cat - Chinese year. Happy Chinese year to all - of course if you believe. The Year Of The Goat/Sheep this year now is said to be a peaceful one - let's hope.

Rating: 11 Posted: 9 years ago
still,need to know what to do
Answers: 7 Views: 754 Rating: 1 Posted: 9 years ago

I missed what you do not know what to do about. Me too - I do not know what to do full stop. The way people make decisions is a complex issue. Sometimes seems simply, sometimes done instinctively, sometimes done on impulse - but who knows what is the right decision - sometimes works out OK, depends on the problem but can be very complex. 

Rating: 6 Posted: 9 years ago
Do you sleep on your left side, right side, stomach or back....
Answers: 14 Views: 1389 Rating: 12 Posted: 9 years ago

Uusually people sleep on the right side - The heart being on the left and I believe it is also to do with the amount of lung space available - I have a lapse of memory here again. I am all over the place wriggling around every which way - also partly to do with the brain not relaxing. However, I do have shoulder, back and neck problems - still have a fracture of my back since last year and have oesteoporosis. I like Julie use medication, but seem to be getting immune to the tablets.

Rating: 9 Posted: 9 years ago
another music question : whats your favorite musical instrument ?
Answers: 33 Views: 5117 Rating: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

Hello all of you so lovely people. It has been too long!! Do hope life is good for you all, I do know for some that is a tall order but I wish you the best.  Just to say way back in the 70's I used to go to the Festival Hall in London every week to hear the London Symphony Orchestra play and also in the 70's I heard Isaac Stern and Itzhak Perlman play at the Holywood Bowl which was amazing. I know it is not an instrument so to speak but I really like Opera too. 

Rating: 2 Posted: 9 years ago

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