    Hi - Hello - you kind people - haven;t been so well - the heart playing up - missed you. Hope you are well? Go well my friends.

    +15  Views: 3209 Answers: 33 Posted: 13 years ago

    My thoughts are heading your way.
    BE READY!!!

    dopey...Hey it's fine to laugh at your own jokes...I do it all the time! (We can entertain ourselves...LOL!!)

    It,s amazing how you can feel for someone you don,t really know.

    ROMOS - how sweet you are - my thoughts are instinctive,but great when I get what they are saying - had so much experience with people - although in real life tend to be naive at moments. Hey did you read I wrote you about Grey Friars Bobby - my memory being wrong as apart from your wonderful story about his grave - I truly thought there was a statue of him in Princes Street - is that male or female Hmmm. Thanks so much again ROMOS and of course always enjoy your comments.

    Ducka yes it's fine but I was doing it in here in public, is what I meant. Agree good to laugh at yourself.LOL

    Hey dopey...lots of us "get" each other's humor so it's all good! :)

    33 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    I hoe you are feeling OK! Thank you for the update! Prayers for your health!


    Thank you so doolittle. Love the name love the books. And these days so love the doolittle.LOL. What's this with the ex - sounds misplaced to me - takes two to tango - I hope you have learned by now to ignore this!!

    Glad you,re back dopey, don,t worry about the heart.

    My ex wife said I never had one.

    Shouldn,t be a problem.




    LOL...I have been told alot myself from my "ex's" point of view. I apparently am one of the worst (in many ways) people ever.

    I hate calling you dopey by the way.

    Moderator <3
    Colleen gave me one of these one time.

    Romos You're rotten!....but funny!

    You are not a problem ROMOS - you are just great It's more than the heart Romos so many problems - I do not mind parting tomorow - it is having every thing in order and I am shambolicol. You have an enormous heart - no question about that!!! Go well my friend. Tried to change my name but all were taken - I'll get round to it xoxo

    So funny Daisy.

    Sorry to hear about your heart problem. I hope medication does help you feel better. Missed you lots. So glad you are back! xoxo.


    Thank yu Ann if you were not around - I certainly miss you!!!XOXO

    Here I am like some shmuck - so sorry to sound so helpless but this do have so many porblems. I guess. words like to say how very kindly your comments were more than anyone could expect and I thank you so much - I's like when I get to the end of my teter, I feel you are at the end of it and it;s so long. My most grateful thanks to you and your very kind words.So sorry bubbling - and tired - what do they say feeling sorry for yourself no, I want to answer all your comments and I will.     


    You are in my prayers and my thoughts . Concentrate on getting well and dont worry about a response . If our words give you a smile then its mission accomplished .May God give you comfort and peace . Bill

    bluesman - you always come up with the answer - everybody's got somethig I guess. keep well - mind, body and spirit which you havein abundance and nver think otherwiese - affectionately yours - miri.

    Hope you're feeling better soon dopey...


    Thank you ClevelandRick - I so hope life is being kinder to you of late, take care.

    No dopey life is still not shinning it's every loving light down on me,but it's you that we are all thinking about right now,get well...

    Do try to be more optimistic, more positive - so difficult I know but come on you are a great guy believe in yourself - you see I even give advice I cannot follow myself. I guess if life were so certain for all of us there would be no challenge. I will most certainly help you when I get through all the Freehold litigation etc. I am so good at helping as this is what I did in my profession and just a gift I was given -I am by no means boasting - told so many times.LOL

    I wish and pray for you all good things,LOL.

    Hey dopey...Sorry that you are still not feeling well.  Are you able to join us yet or just stopping by for a short visit?  Good to "see ya" again, at least for a minute.  Get better and get back here, will ya'?      :)


    Thanks Ducka - I'm around, around and around Ha Ha - don't you just hate people who laugh at their own jokes which are not funny. lol

    So glad to hear from you we were all concerned as to you where abouts , i always knew you had a heart ,just didn't know you had problems..take care of yourself , we miss your imput.


    daren - what a wonderful thing to say to anyone - WOW.

    I'm sorry you're ill. Hope you're better soon!


    Hi Daisy - so you are Daisy - lovely name one of the names I wanted to be called. Thanks for your well wishes.

    Thank You!

    Daisy - oh just love the name. I looked after the children of the actress who played Daisy in Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby". By the way I believe Daisy means "Sunshine".

    I'll have to watch it! Thanks. I always thought they were warm, friendly,and lively little flowers. My favorites.

    I've been missing your well-spoken answers, dopey, and also hope you are on the mend and will be back in the lineup soon!   xoxo


    Not so simple Bob - but who knows eh. Thank you so kindly xoxo

    Please let me know how I can make this a little less difficult for you.

    ....and know that you have many friends here.

    You'll be in my prayers.

    Dear Bob, I have always found your postings interesting, eloquent and extremely expressive as reflected in your face. So rare these days to get offers of help, unfortunately I am extremely independent and I feel were there an offer, it would be far too consuming for that person and would not impose. At the moment I am drenched in problems "Mumma said there'll be days like this". I tell myself everyday that there are so many people with such bad things they have to deal with then the guilt trip creeps in. Just sometimes life batters you all at once. I find your offer of help so extraordinarily generous which I appreciate and thank you so much and yes you have made this less difficult for me. Strange I have always been there for others and now it seems all has just fallen away seems this often happens with age - please God I will move into the country and be near the few real friends I still have in a more pleasant environment.Hugs And Kisses for you too.

    Keep your chin up, but be careful where you walk. We are never more than a click away!

    Bob/ how right you are - got it, and so much thanks again.

    Bob - your face alone has such a calming influence and I thank you for that.xo

    dopey, if you want to email and just "unload", just ask Colleen or Pythonlover for my email address.
    Thank you for saying I'm a calming influence. That is a very nice compliment.

    Thank you so much Bob yet again really so kind of you - I'll wait for things to cool down - Freehold solicitor stuff - my mother - her solicitor - my health etc.

    Anytime....I'm not going anywhere!

    Thank you so Bob - life has been unbearable - cannot understand what has happened - my Mother is so ill I am insane and what is worse my health not being good backwards and forwards to hospitals - and how I could always take care of others - now not so easy just hurts - so sick of being tired and so tired of being sick. Thank you so much you have been so generous and kind and if you ever need anything I will be there for you in whatever way I can. I feel I could not possibly burden you.

    It is good to hear from you. I'm sad to hear you are still struggling with your health (I have really let myself go the past six months), and then having a seriously ill parent to care for at the same time. Is there any way you or she qualifies for home health care assistance? Meals on Wheels? Anything that can take some of the burden off you and give you a chance to regroup and regain YOUR strength? My mom needs someone to oversee her at all times; she doesn't even sleep through the night, so there's really not much respite. I try to spend more time with her, but am ashamed to admit I am selfish. I have tremendous respect and admiration for people who take care of others. Keep in me if you want. TAKE CARE OF YOU!

    Thank you so Bob - I am surprised you have received this. It is not so mush my health I am worried about apart from being able to keep going backwards and forwards to the hospital to see my Mother and the care is a lot to be desired. It takes me nearly two hours to get there and have guilt trips because I can not visit as often as I would like - I would like to just get into the bed with her. All this has gone far beyond my imagination and as it is not possbible for her to come home or to me I am now faced with th prospect of clearing her flat!!! Thank you so - I will eventually e-mail you when things are clearer only here for a moment.Yeah that's what people say to me "take care of you" My sincerest thanks to you - just amazing.

    Bob - do you know every time I go into "Ask a Question" I have to restore the laptop?
    Just to say I am so sorry I did not realize your Mother was ill too and have not acknowledged this - it is so hard and I totally understand what you are saying. People say hope you and your Mother get better but once you know what is going on things just seem to progress - I guess that is the way it is. We just have to hope all will be well.

    Dear Dopey, please don't feel guilty because you can't be at your mom's side night and day. You do the best you can. My mom is 93, has macular degeneration, and is a dialysis patient. She is tired! But she is feisty and does the best she can to be independent and stay on top of things. My youngest son has been her caregiver for nearly two years. His patience is amazing. I am feeling guilty for not spending more time with her. There are many mixed feelings that go into our situation, but I won't go into detail here. YOU just take care, do the best you can, and take the time you need to grieve. Don't expect yourself to be and do everything!!!
    Much love, Bob

    Hi dopey! Hope you feel better soon! We miss you,here!


    Hi clu - more important I miss you guys, again so kind.

    Hoping YOU are doing well, take care


    I am doing my best and do realize how much suffering others have to endure, so this makes me feel so guilty. Take care of you.

    Feel better soon, Dopey!



    Thank you so - sweet, so sweet country bumpkin.

    get well please!


    Dear valR - always found you so interesting and often wondered whether you were from abroad? Thank you for your wishes. A quote I heard recently from KABIR -"We live in a universe of wishes, every wish has already been granted. Stay true to life and witness it's good fortunes."

    Born and lived in Romania. Living in the USA since 1978. Thank you for your nice words and wish.

    valR - sorry so many problems at present haven't open this thing until now - just to say you are very welcome.

    Know you are in my thought, heart, and prayers..........


    Yes Julie - I sure do - thankslol.



    Hurry back we miss you.

    How lovely your picture as I have found you to be - take care of you.LOL

    Can you please change your name, i hate refering to you as Dopey, it does not suit your character lol.What if you added another o Doopey sounds better, just a thought thats all.

    pythonlover - you have made me laugh oh boy that is some achievement - friends and I used to laugh till we peed (is that the right spelling) our pants. I have made a comment about my name to dopey - tried to change it to Daisy used to work for the actress called Daisy in Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" and I like the name so - it means sunshine or Scout but both names were taken I will get round to changing it - there are so many - just never been on a site like this which I find extremely friendly and enjoy the people and felt sure that I would definitely be the dope!! as I didn't understand what it was to be just informative, fun and friendly.

    ""Hope you're feelin' better. I'm still watchin' telly and drinkin' plonk. Me old woman still hasn't mended me socks. Says she won't mend'em until I give up pickin' me bloomin nose. Ya know where she can go, dontcha?


    Dear Eggplant - you are determined to make me laugh so much as usual - so funny apart from the one we know about. Many thanks to you.

    G' day Dope, i hear you not feeling the best, i wondered where you got to, missed ya,you take it easy, when you are back in full swing i expect to see you on site, god bless. xxx


    Thank you so bulletman - remember what he said "I'll be back" - we said this -

    Hope you get better Dopey! my prayers are with you God bless! and let the good time role.I am a stranger in a strange land, but here we are all one hanging together, keep on ticking! LOL.


    Thanks so much facebook - the heart will go on ticking albeit irregularly here and there - the stroke I do not fancy - want to be here for my Mum - one of the things so worrisome. I feel sure you are welcome and truly hope so in your strange land and as you say we seem to be all as one here.LOL.


    So sorry this was an error - it was meant to be the start of "Here I am like a schmuck" - but here is an ok place to be.      

    Hi Dopey, Its good to hear from you! Hoping all is well with you these days! Looking forward to seeing you back on site, soon. Shootah


    Thank you Shootah - well what do you know here I am and there you are.

    My heart is with you Dopey. It is not fun to be ill. Good luck.


    fjoel - it is not being ill that is what is my direct problem although very much overiding and can add to it. Take care and my thanks.

    Take care Dopey.  If you doctor lets you walk, try to get one in every day.  No matter how slow or how far.  May God continue to bless your heart!


    tabber - yes I can walk - should have walked to the hospital last week but refused again - too many other things going on. May God bless you to.

    Dopey my sister was told by her doctor to walk. I try to walk everyday. My sister told me, now she makes walking her very first priority. That's her life and health. I hope you do the same thing, so you can hang around us all a little more and a lot longer. Walking is the most important thing you can do for your health. It takes one to know one. LOL

    Yes tabber - you are so very right - walking is great in fact it is the best form of exercise so it is said, even helps my disc problems, hip and shoulders but since things have changed in this house I have become somewhat agorraphobic a new environment is what I need - and how I love country walks. Lost heart for so much at present. I will do my very best to work on it all.LOL.

    Hi Dopey, look after yourself and take things easy, remember gently does it, be kind to yourself and I'll be thinking of you, hopefully we'll see you back here soon, the sooner the better, your missed xx


    Oh lambshank - missed you too, gee thanks so muchxox

    I hope you are on the mend Dopey.  Take care xo Fishy


    Oh Fishlet - name keeps changing Fishlet so very sweet - just here for very very short visit just now a friend of mine said today surprised you haven't gone into a nut house. So very kind of you tooxoxo

    We miss  you, dopey. We'll pray you get better soon   :-)


    Thank you also mycatsmom- so kind of you too to think of me. Take care of you.

    Hi dopey,  How are you doing, hope your well on the way to to recovery. Take it easy, we will be all here to welcome you back, when the time right. God Bless you and yours, x


    thank you so much Dollybird - so kind of you to think of me.xoxo

    HIYA dopey keep on truckin young lady us oldies got to show these youngsters what long life is all about, so keep on poundin them keys.


    Hi lewboy - dopey is an old girl - thank you so much - hope you are enjoying here and take care of you.

    WHOOPS soon put that one right

    Do not bother lewboy - who cares - either way but must say the young bit is appealing. You made me feel so young which believe it or not I do, as many of us oldies do.LOL.

    YOU are so right, LIFE begins EVERY DAY

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. 


    Hello to you gloriafrmCat - it seems I have missed seeing you or reading your comments. Just a brief visit just now to make sure I have offered thanks to all those thoughts and of course thanks to you also - such a surprise and I will look for you when I am back here more.

    Dopey old friend .Hope your Heart has "Ticky Ticky good Timing "Keep your pecker up ( not the one under your Trousers "Zip ) Again what Turns you on.All the best dear friend we all like your comments and of course "YOU.


    dowsa - I do not have a pecker under my Trousers - it's the female part. And dowsa you know I just like your comments and YOU too and send you my warmest thanks.

    Dopey so sorry Thought you were a male because of the "Name that is a male one as in "Married life named by my "Wife.Mind you "Transplants are the in thing!now I keep hoping for a "Brain one.still living the "Dream.SO DEAR Keep your "Spirits" up have a wee dram on Me take care all my love and best wishes go with you.

    Hope you feel better soon.  Follow the advice of your doctor and you will be on the mend very soon. Wishing you a speedy recover and  think Spring - a time of new beginnings!


    Here I am making sure I have thanked you all and have been worried all day and do you know how much better I feel just so good.

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