This white man is 75 and has all teeth except two wisdom teeth. Smoking does not affect tooth decay but can make gum disease ( periodontitis) worse.
Any fule kno that the national animal of Scotland is the Haggis.
Nasty creature, the king brown, I will never forget the time I nearly stepped on one.
No but she bought me two rose bushes for my last birthday.
Go to Oz Yanks, it is a wonderful country and you will be able to forget about Trump while you are there.
Alcohol is not man-made, it is formed from the action of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on sugar.
Pee in the sitting position AKA 'the girlie position'. That should solve the problem.
Gideon bible found in many hotel rooms.
Apparently the 'bump stop' can be replaced with a paper clip.
People have to accept that death by firearms is a fact of life (or death).
Romans 6:23 says all you need: 'The wages of sin are death'. 80-odd years of fornication caused his untimely death.
As my mother would have said; 'He had it coming to him'.