I’ve actually had songs in my head wake me up from a sound sleep. Like “Lady Madonna lying in your bed. Listen to the music playing in your head"
Right now the song in my head is “Let’s Stay Together"
think. I vaguely remembered my deed. I was sooo out of it. OMG!
38 Answers (1-30 Displayed)
The song "Don't Worry...Be Happy" sticks in my head if I hear it somewhere. I can't stand that song!!!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 23 | |
I can honestly say I don't know all the lyrics of any song. Music is a different kettle of fish. Sometimes one of my own melodies comes into my head and it will stick with me for weeks and then about six months later its gone and I have to go through a mental process to recover it. Right now its one of my tunes which I've titled "Take back your heart"....... ....... and your love and kisses. Its time to part, what a romance this is. ...... and it goes on and on. But I get a lot of pleasure from it.
13 years ago. Rating: 23 | |
Do you record your music? Do you play piano? Guitar? I've forgotten if you've said.
It would be great if you shared your lyrics with us sometime.
Indeed , whatever song i hear first in the morning stays in my head all day..
13 years ago. Rating: 21 | |
for singing a song.
And it’s a good day,
for movin’ along.
It’s a good day,
how can anything
go wrong?
It’s a good day
from morning to night!"
All of the time. Barry Manillo (SP?) seems to be my curse.. "Oh, Mandy........"
13 years ago. Rating: 20 | |
You came and you gave
without taking.
And I sent you away...."
OMG, that reminds me of a boss who fired me. LeWeep, as Fish would say.
Now Lady Madonna and Mandy are stuck.
I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll sing them out.
There you are, looking just the same as you did last time I touched you.
Here I am, close to getting tangled up inside the thought of you.
Do you love him, as much as I love her,
And will that love be strong,
When old feelings start to stir?
Looks like we made it,
Left each other on the way to another love.
Looks like we made it,
Or I thought so 'til today, until you were there, everywhere,
And all I could taste was love the way we made it.
This song just breaks my heart sometimes.
It only happens around Christmas time. No matter where I go, or what I do,,even when I go shopping I always hear "Silent Night" in my head,
13 years ago. Rating: 19 | |
Hell YES!! The last couple of days it's been Ray Charles' "You don't know me". A bit sentimental,but I love it.
13 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
And then you say “Hello”
I watch you walk away,
La da da da dee dah (Beautiful song)
And now it’s MINE. I’ll be searching for the missing line.
you think I know you well
but you don’t know me.”
People are gonna start up talking about us if they don’t see those little quote marks.
I hunt down the source of things like that in my head and end it. Sometimes there are multiple sources of the same song or noise. I just go for it and shut it down. I have been told it’s imaginary, but imaginary things are subject to imaginary shut-down. So it works very nicely.
13 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
When I saw men in black 2 the song WHO LET THE DOGS OUT because of the alien singing along IT stayed for a day or two Arff Arff bow bow:)
13 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
WHO LET THE DOGS OUT! WHO LET THE DOGS OUT! WHO LET THE DOGS OUT ... forever and ever. tanks, whovin.
Doesn`t everybody get a tune stuck in their head?
Me, when I was in the army I gave orders out loud in my sleep.
One particular time I dreamed I was being captured and I flung out my arm and hit my wife who was sitting up feeding the baby. No it was a mistake.
My big problem is I often swear in my sleep, not a good idea if you have visitors because I talk loudly.
13 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
The barmaid up the local was humming the tune to "Flipper" (must be 100 years old) I cursed her for a week, couldn't get it out of my head, after 2 days of me singing it, everyone else at work was humming it too!
13 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Beatles Yellow submarine
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |