    Do you ever get a song in your head and no matter what you do it won’t leave?

    I’ve actually had songs in my head wake me up from a sound sleep.  Like “Lady Madonna lying in your bed. Listen to the music playing in your head"

    Right now the song in my head is “Let’s Stay Together"

    +17  Views: 2980 Answers: 38 Posted: 13 years ago

    Also "Together again"My wife says I sometimes sing in my sleep I said to her "Blame my MUM I love singing love songs country ballads.

    I laugh in my sleep sometimes...wake myself up occasionally!

    When I went to the hospital delirious with Pneumonia. I hear tell that I sang to the very good looking doctor. What did I sing? A very very bad rendition of "Romeo and Juliet "by Taylor Swift. The doctor asked my husband, “Is she ALWAYS like that?” I believe that my husband answered in the negative. (I sang that song because it was the favorite of my grandaughter )-Last October, I
    think. I vaguely remembered my deed. I was sooo out of it. OMG!

    digimon brave heart with english lirics and linking park album best songs for me, and ive folowing you saskia clark and you keep taking me out, and i love blonde women with red lips and my first love was natalia lomelino (lomel)

    38 Answers (31-38 Displayed)

    Yes! Just saw the Blues Brothers (again)  a few days ago. Ray Charles' "Shake A  Tail Feather" will not leave my mind.


    I'm going to look it up and listen before I start my day. Thanks chelleanne.

    Its impossible,


    To ask a baby not to cry!
    country bumpkin

    It's just Impossible!

    All the time,as i have got an old gramaphone,and the needle keeps on getting stuck,on the words it happens all the time,

    I read that Country Bumpkin just post Cat’s In The Cradle along with all the lyrics. That is now stuck in my head. Our son is in Peru and will be for two more years. Boooo Hoooo.


    Auburn - Perfect two. Suggest listen this song.


    Oh, now that is painful. :)

    NO !!

    I think it is the unconscious mind's way of communicating when I get a song stuck in my head. Sometimes I want to scream "ok, I get it, now leave me alone!" It is interesting how the lyrics always have to do with something that is going on and when I pay attention, they do go away!


    I wish you were around Judyjudygirl. You are right and it's something I've never thought about. I'm going to keep a notebook in the car and on the dining room table and kind of track the music playing in my head. There's always something. Right now I'm thinking of a Kimbra song I heard. I'm going to go and listen.

    Yes. I just remembered an Abba song, "Thank you For The Music" and have just played it 3X. .  Karen Carpenter sang it also on "The Tonight Show", but it looks as though anorexia had already set-in. Very sad.

    Yes, Eventually it passes, and then is replaced by another one, and the cycle repeats. Right now, it's "A House is Not a Home." I've played it five times today alone. Brings  tears to my eyes because of Luther's talent and that he's no longer here. I wish I could sing like this. I've never heard anything like it.

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