The access point for the daemons in Doom, alpha labs I believe.
Tom cruise in Top Gun. Being shorter than most people he can enjoy it more due to his lower centre of gravity.
Space Orks from Warhammer 40K They paint their bikes and buggies red because ' Red wunz go fasta' waaaaaagh!
No at present although If Jupiter was a lot more massive it may be. see 2010 a space odyssey (film)
I assume you mean outer space?
Well outside the atmosphere it is a near vacuum at almost -273 degrees Centigrade with approximately 4 atoms of hydrogen per litre. If you mean any other kind of space like space in your loft, you know the answer to that better than I do.
Crap is what politicians convert into lies before they speak !
A black hole is a massive gravity distortion, anything including light which crosses the event horizon is destined to become a singularity, I.e. stripped of mass and converted to energy. They are scattered throughout time and space we think but in our galaxy we know where some of them are thanks to the likes of the Hubble space telescope, it is thought there is a supermassive black hole at the centre of the galaxy but that is just conjecture at the moment.
I believe NASA have a project, funded by the military, they want to beat the Russians.