My apologies. There is no connection to fb. The friendship(s) are here. Evidently I friend people when I LIKE their answer of click the thumbs up.
Thank you Jack. I'll put that in my bag of tricks. Sounds like, for example, that is creating a spreadsheet. Orig date posted, orig asking price, contact info, amenities, date reposted (if that's the case). . . And maybe a Lot of work but looks like a gameplan like that may pay off. I'm starting today.
Depends from what point in Fairborn. From let's say downtown Fairborn? @ 30 miles. Easiest way to get there from downtown? Head north on 444. Take 444 to I70 W. Stay on I70 W to the next exit after I75 interchange. That's the airport exit. 'scuse me, I'm doing this from memory to get a quick answer in here. Google it to find maybe 33 miles or 27 miles.
Also check the churches and community action centers. CACs won't have furniture but know who does.
Realize you may not be homeless, but the homeless shelters would know for sure. In That situation, they May not be helpful to you if you aren't homeless.