Firstly to recognize that we humans are biological in 'design and in dependence' in that we depend on a suitable biological environment to survive. Now it so happens that the biological environment can be defined and explored as part of the Earth's biosphere. Any life supporting environment in the Earth's biosphere is also ecological too. The interesting part is that an environment can be studied and affected and optimised to work best for all and long term. So the philosophy is to always look for opportunities to optimise the environment because it gives feedback to your quality of life and survival chances. In addition life is dependent on knowledge of how to solve problems - so always look to knowledge as being a probable answer to certain problems and that knowledge can often be associated with problems and their answers. Our emotion and feelings have evolved to help solve problems and our selection of things to desire (what we choose to desire) ought to be well associated with problem solving by actions or events that are consequential too. So we need to think "what are likely consequences" of any desires we have, or paths that we take of choice. Then, does it all add up to improving the environment?