You have touched my heart in a way I cannot describe! My tears cannot erase your pain but if they could...they would. I am speachless.
I was asked once if I had to decide to lose my vision or my hearing which I would choose. This being a question often considered but never posed by most, I actually chose my hearing. (BTW, for a most relevant movie discussing this issue, please see MASK with Sam Elliott and Cher) The mind is a vibrant place and I have no doubt that visual depictions are produced especially in the mind of a blind individual. While they may indeed not be like those of the sighted, they may actually be better.
We can only hope.
I regret your loss...more than you could know. I am late but if only in condolensce I would offer "My Father's Hands" for YOU. Sincerely.
Perhaps merely the inability to spell the word "suspensions" correctly. LOL!!
TSC said "Call me cynical." I may exhibit a bit of oneupsmanship here but I no longer believe in true love. As to the money...merely a diversion. Let's face it...we all want to be loved unconditionally.
I don't know if this reply will help or not. Just know that you are not alone; not the only person feeling that way. I cannot know your situation or what prompted the question.
Let me share a life experience. I dated someone that proudly identified herself as a vampire. I thought it was a joke because she was more of a night person than a day person. But I understand all too well now what a Vampire is. They are someone to whom you give all you have and receive less and less in return; quite simply, you can never do enough for them. Rather than being appreciative, they are merely expectant. They cannot deal with the issues in their own lives and would rather suck the life out of yours. Unfortunately, I did not come to this realization until I fell in love with one...a few relationships down the road. Been with her for four years now and I can say I cannot see it getting better despite my hope, love and best efforts. Last year she didn't even remember our anniversary.
I do know that if you feel the way you do about someone and your feelings are unrequited then you are simply barking up the wrong tree. Move on. Not to be merely cliche, but life truly is too short. And as a person you deserve more. The ones that are persistent despite your best efforts to show you lack a connection with them are obsessed in some manner with the character you emulate. People by their very nature want to surround themselves (usually) with good people. While this of and in itself is not a bad quality, people lacking in self-confidence and self-esteem often latch on to someone to feed a need in themselves they are either incapable of satisfying or to recieve recognition that elevates them amongst their peers so as to justify their actions. Not a good thing (see Vampire, above).
Be well.