Children of the baby boomers, myself included, were very coddled on the whole. Parents thought that is was their undying duty to give them a storybook life. Each generation wants more for its offspring, that is natural. But we took itto a new level, So worried about their self esteem, parents were afraid to have high expectations of their kids. God forbid should they grow up feeling disappointed, experience failure or rejection. It is not good to protect them from the realities of life. How will they handle these experiences when they are adults? So I suspect that the children lost respect due to our fear of being unpopular with them, few consequences, so whom DO they respect? Their peers, unfortunately. We were afraid to be tough. I was called the strictest mother in town, and I said thanks, I am doing my job. However, as they enter their late 20's and so, their sense of entitlement persists. It is never too late to demand respect. I got a smack from my Dad just for giving Mom a dirty look, and that was good, and I am not a violent person. But the message was quickly received. And I due respect my elders, because most of them have wisdom that i have not attained.