Take a look at this link http://bit.ly/Ra70Dz if that does not work go to www.letsgotravel,info click on cruises and destination would be world & Exotic and your date of March 2013. You should see the results.
I am sharing information on a home based business that works. I can only share my experiences with the business. If interested in home based business this can be an option for you. If this is not for you, please feel free to compare rates when booking any upcoming vacation plans at www.letsgotravel.info. Thanks
I can share information on my home based business that I have been doing for the last 3 years www.myletsgotravel.biz. If you have questions or concerns I can answer them for you.
You can have your own home based travel agency. Take a look at www.myletsgotravel.biz. I have been in business for over 3 years and I love it. Let me know if you have questions.
If you like cruising I would suggest a cruise to the Bahamas. You don't need a passport, you just need a government id and your birth certificate.