wow im sure your heart is broken but think about what god say about this and do you love her and do you want to forgive her like god forgive us only you can know the the way it will be i cant tell you why. Should you stay are go but over 20years married is a long time just ask her way maybe she will just set down with you and tell you the store if you ask her in a nice way i hope i was some help god bless god is good all the time . take care i hope for the best for you
he is not home and he has a job to do so he can get home safe to the family i know it suck not being home with the family it is so hard some guys cant talk about about it and it just hurts to much becouse in the army the soldier who are in iraq become a family and when one get hurt or kill it hurt everyone & to me the soldier is a SUPER HREO he or she dont sleep much2 hrs a night are eat much just work until he cant work when some come to take hes place and we back home just wait and pray to god to take care and bring the soldier home safe ,ty a Army wife rose