for the most part you cant because they are all shady personally i would never cheat on my girlfriend although it gets hard some times in the sense that we dont go beyond kissing but i still love her and would never do anything to hurt her and the same goes with her to me
what you can do is notice that the person is being distant ignoring your texts and kinda if he is really horny around you then for the most part ya he is probably being really horny around other woman :/
totaly random but i once fought a bear with my fists i may have lost an arm but i still got him down i made him my slave and he sowed my arm back on and now i taught him how to play the obo and ride a unicycle ya its late im tired ima hit the sack peace out homie i hope i helped hahaha
idk which ever phone has glasses
well lets hope she knows how to run :)
the days when the dragons were fighting the dwarves and the elderscrolls were created and the linch king had nothing better to do to create 2 seperate guilds the aliance and the other guys haha the other guys consisted of the kajits, argonians ,orcs, and redguards the aliance was more of the white people such as high elves, wood elves, legion, and the nordes they all fought eachother because they were prejudice
i really have no clue wth im talking about (0.o)
because they are not trust worthy wives and are bored of their relationship and flurt with other guys even when their husband is an amazing person
i dont know 0.o
but the taco truck is open on sunday :) but ya probably
eclick the apple at top left scroll to dock and click position to bottom :) DOODLIEDOOO :D
well now if your as cheap and ghetto as me il let you in on my lil secret my phone has a recorder so i put it up next to the speakers on my computer and there you go ;) free music hahahaha
going on long jogs work excelent for me if not for you then try other things to calm you and keep you from being nervous stressed or excited