An all-black Newfoundland! Have wanted one since I first laid eyes on one! In long-haired black cat, PJ. He's bad-ass!
Tickets go on sale for Loverboy...Sept. 1 concert at MN State Fair! Woot! Woot!
2.2046 pounds
Call the station! They can't always answer, but, it's worth a try. I know you're not asking, buuut, i have my fav radio stations numbers in my cell...awesome for those 'who sings this', 'what's name of this tune' moments! Music rocks!!!!! Good luck...I hope you find name of that tune :)
Hot and spicy foods? Drink milk. Oh, and wipe off your mouth ;)
Don't make an issue out of it...if you need time and space, then take them...go do your thing...why would he think you're breaking up? If it's really not an issue, then, don't turn it into one. You must realize...that most of us getting the 'time and space' talk, (yourself included), are going to believe that we're being gently let down. If truly not your intentions, why go there?
.8th of a mile would be eight tenths of a mile or 4,224 ft. or 1,408 yds.
.8th of a mile would be eight tenths of a mile which is equal to 4,224 feet or 1,408 yards