I might of screwed up, the number for X, is definitely 30, but its either neg. or pos. 30! I believe it's
30 - 3 = -27, cuz when you have a positive and a negative number, you get a negative answer, which is -27.
X - 3 = -27
-30 - 3 = -27
This(Y = 2x -3) is pertaining to graphing correct? X and Y axis' are the number lines, X being the Horiz. # line, and Y being the Vert. # line. First # line X coordinator determines horiz. distance from the origin "0". The second # line Y coordinator determines Vert. distance from the origin "0". Think of a plus sign and where they cross is the origin "0". There are four quadrants, they go counter clock wise, meaning backwards. The 1st. Quad. is the top right-hand corner of the plus sign, and the 2nd. is the top left-hand corner, and so on! The line going up (y) between Quadrants (R-L) 1 and 2, are positive numbers (1,2,3,4,5,etc) starting from the ("0") origin, and so is the bottom line of Quadrant 1, which is the shape of an "L", remember plus sign. Now you flip that around and you get a 7, which is your negetive numbers (-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,etc) Therefore the -3 is where it crosses the Y intercept line. I really hope this is all right and I didn't make a mistake cuz I wouldn't want lead you down the wrong road!!! I am new to this math myself and trying to learn it in College, its very over-whelming to say the least. Good Luck, I gave it my best effort!
10:58 pm, Monday, March 26th, I hope that does it for you!
Kate Chopin (Katherine O'Flaherty) (Feb. 8, 1850 - Aug. 22, 1904) was an American author of short stories and novels, mostly of a Louisiana Creole background. Stories like: "The Awakening," and other short stories such as "A Pair of Silk Stockings," "Desiree's Baby," and "The Story of an Hour."
You can't stop thinking about them, they r constently on your mind, in your thoughts' its being haunted but in a very GOOD way. I want to be w/ them morning, noon and night (but space is necessary too) I think of them as soon as i get up and they r the last thing i think about when i go to bed and if I'm really lucky they're a part of my dreams. Sounds a little strong but that's what love is..I think!
As soon as you put the kids in the back seat w/ a rag, you'll find it works faster
I think its his or her tavern, and they can set any dress code the want, after all its their place...I don't agree w/ it but what can i do! I AM POWERLESS OVER PEOPLE PLACE"S AND THINGS...PERIOD!
suspended window film, don't know exactly what u r talking about (computer or what) but if its about window film...try a little brake fluid w/ soft rag, it works great on yellow headlights lens'
I don't believe its possible, but then what do i know, i can't even operate my phone completely!