Bring up the URL you want to mark. For example, While that is open, click "Favorites" then "Add to Favorites."
This is a legal question. Anyone other than a licensed attorney who answers it might be accused ot unauthorized practice of law. Abraham Lincoln's sign posted in his office, "Advice is a Lawyer's Stock in Trade," is still believed in by the legal profession today. They like to get paid for legal advice and don't want anyone else to give it. Lawyers make laws. So, it's against the law. (How's that for a political answer?)
Money bills must be introduced in the Huse of Representatives aka the House of Representatives.
An apostle is one chosen for a particular mission. The apostles of Jesus Christ were to lead in spreading the Gospel. All those apostles died in the faith. There are many disciples of Jesus Christ today, but no apostles.
The term "apostle" is often associated with a follower of a particular ideological or philosophical system. For example, Jehovah's Witnesses are sometimes called "Apostles of denial" because they deny the deity of Jesus Christ and his literal and physical resurrection. (Details can be found in my book "Rescuing Slaves of the Watchtower.")