I consider myself a loyal, considerate, strong, sarcastic, funny, goofy and a independent woman. I have friends since I was 7 and we still have lunch and girls night out. I can change my car flat tire in 6 minutes. I love with all my heart.
My mind races at night like a silent film. I see so many images of the past. I think about my kids, the future and the bills that need to get paid. I am a big worry wort. I thank god fot the blessing he have giving me that day and ask for peace for myself, family and friends. An hour later I fall asleep......
I have a bumper sticker that say> Smile.... it confuses people. I also have a t-shirt that reads> C.S.I Can't stand Idiots (underneath). And my all time favorite T...It reads.... Why do I need a boyfriend? I didn't do anything wrong.