here is a list
Daylight saving time around the world, showing usage and a short history by location in alphabetic order, grouped by continent.
Most areas of North America and Europe observe daylight saving time (DST), while most areas of Africa and Asia do not. South America is mixed, with most countries in the warmer north of the continent near the equator not observing DST, while Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay and southern parts of Brazil do. Oceania is also mixed, with New Zealand and parts of southern Australia observing DST, while most other areas do not.
1 Oceania1.1 Australia1.2 Fiji1.3 Hawaii1.4 New Zealand1.5 Samoa1.6 U.S. Territories
2 Asia2.1 Bangladesh2.2 China, People's Republic of2.3 Hong Kong2.4 India2.5 Iran2.6 Iraq2.7 Israel2.8 Japan2.9 Jordan2.10 Kazakhstan2.11 Kyrgyzstan2.12 Lebanon2.13 Malaysia2.14 Pakistan2.15 Philippines2.16 South Korea2.17 Syria2.18 Taiwan2.19 No DST in Asia
3 Europe3.1 In general3.2 Bulgaria3.3 Denmark3.4 Italy3.5 Norway3.6 Portugal3.7 Romania3.8 Russia3.9 Slovakia3.10 Slovenia3.11 Sweden3.12 Switzerland3.13 Turkey3.14 European Countries Without DST
4 Africa4.1 Egypt4.2 Mauritius4.3 Morocco4.4 Namibia4.5 Tunisia4.6 Countries not using DST in Africa
5 Americas5.1 North America5.1.1 Barbados5.1.2 Canada5.1.2.1 British Columbia5.1.2.2 Nunavut5.1.2.3 Ontario5.1.2.4 Quebec5.1.2.5 Saskatchewan
5.1.3 Cuba5.1.4 Dominica5.1.5 Greenland5.1.6 Mexico5.1.6.1 Baja California5.1.6.2 Sonora5.1.6.3 Island territories
5.1.7 United States of America
5.2 Central America5.2.1 Guatemala5.2.2 Honduras5.2.3 Nicaragua
5.3 South America5.3.1 Argentina5.3.2 Bolivia5.3.3 Brazil5.3.4 Chile5.3.5 Colombia5.3.6 Ecuador5.3.7 Falkland Islands5.3.8 Paraguay5.3.9 Uruguay5.3.10 No DST in South America
Anchorage has a very nice VA Hospital and fairly new, unfortunatly there's not really any small towns around us, meaning Anchorage is not that big and then you have Eagle River smaller but growing, Wasilla growing big time now too. I'm not sure about additional VA Hospitals in Alaska but since we are the largest city up here it would make sense to have it in our area. Elmendorf AFB has a great hospital but not exactly sure if a retired vet can use their hospital with a VA hospital next door.
Anchorage has a very nice VA Hospital and fairly new, unfortunatly there's not really any small towns around us, meaning Anchorage is not that big and then you have Eagle River smaller but growing, Wasilla growing big time now too. I'm not sure about additional VA Hospitals in Alaska but since we are the largest city up here it would make sense to have it in our area. Elmendorf AFB has a great hospital but not exactly sure if a retired vet can use their hospital with a VA hospital next door.
Anchorage has a very nice VA Hospital and fairly new, unfortunatly there's not really any small towns around us, meaning Anchorage is not that big and then you have Eagle River smaller but growing, Wasilla growing big time now too. I'm not sure about additional VA Hospitals in Alaska but since we are the largest city up here it would make sense to have it in our area. Elmendorf AFB has a great hospital but not exactly sure if a retired vet can use their hospital with a VA hospital next door.
Anchorage has a very nice VA Hospital and fairly new, unfortunatly there's not really any small towns around us, meaning Anchorage is not that big and then you have Eagle River smaller but growing, Wasilla growing big time now too. I'm not sure about additional VA Hospitals in Alaska but since we are the largest city up here it would make sense to have it in our area. Elmendorf AFB has a great hospital but not exactly sure if a retired vet can use their hospital with a VA hospital next door.
a system in which there is a dynamic working balance among its interdependent parts. A price that is competive.
a comparable price