Some say it is some type of virus or another; others say it is from genetic disorders, still others say that we all have cancer cells in our body and almost any given time, but that our immune system when properly functioning limits their growth and sometimes actually destroys some cancer cells.
Cancer cells are generally "regular cells" that have "gone rogue" due to some underlying cause or result of things like too much sun on the skin, too much or too many carcenogenics (sorry, I think I misspelled that word) in our environment, up to and including the processed foods we too commonly eat here in the USA. Honestly, I personally suspect it has more to do with our digestive systems and the foods we eat (or don't eat like we should) than any one cause.
There are so many different kinds of cancer that you would be best served by consulting with two or more doctors who commonly treat cancers of almost all types.
I'm not sure, but I believe marriage is an institution. The real question then is this: Do you wish to become "institutionalized?"
Doubt provoking? For example, if you know someone who lies more often than tells the truth, any answer they give you to almost any question "remains in doubt to some degree = doubtful"
Pay them all or face losing your property in a delinquent property tax sale!
Each property tax authority (city, county, state, town and township) has a different variety of fees, charges, special assessments, etc. Best way to learn what property taxes have been paid previously on the particular real estate property is to go online and visit "county tax collector" and/or "county tax assessors office" and naming the county and the state. In many cases you will get a list of options on how to first find the particular property and then where to find the assessed and paid taxes in current and prior years.