Reptiles are divided into three groups, snakes. Turtles and tortoises. and lizards.
If the snake is a hatchling and has a very small head crickets might be a good choice you may take your snake to your local reptile shop and get better information and feeding tips for your snake do NOT put the baby king snake in an enclosure with any other snakes as king snakes are highly cannibalistic meaning they will eat other snakes
Depending on the species of turtle it is check out your local pet smart and ask one of the store workers telling them what type of turtle it is, if you are unsure of the species it is you can take it to your local reptile store for identification most turtle species will eat turtle bites that are sold in containers you drop in there cage once a day like you would feed a fish. If the turtle has webbed feet it is in fact a turtle if its feet are not webbed it is a tortoise and will eat cut up veggies such as lettuce tomatoes but feed it no yellow veggies they also eat fruit
The fierce snake aka the inland taipan of Australia its bite can kill a grown man in under an hour with sizes reaching up to 6 feet long its a medium weight snake meaning its body is not slim nor thick like that of a python its coloring can vary although the typical color is a light brown with darker brown around the head its a member of the cobra family and is known to be quite aggressive when cornered
I think its called a cackle of crows or perhaps kackle
If you are referring to Ulcerive colitis then you might get the information you need by typing in ulcertive colitis information into any search engine as for the diet steer clear of spicy foods, red meat and it helps the condition to consume drinkable yogurt once or twice daily I recommend Dannon drinkable for a healthy immune system
To my knowledge the other parent in which joint custody is being shared with and the judge of which the joint custody is being supervised must both know and agree to it given you tell them both where you and the child are going how long you will both be gone and the reason of the out of state trip
Depending on what caused the hives taking something such as Benydril or any other over the counter antihistamine might help
A doctors note from your physician stating you are not in well enough health to work.