Phone 911 and report a theft.
A lot of the puritanical views of sex in the US is because of right-wingers and religion. Here, in Canada, for instance, ones religion is their business. A few years ago , during a federal election, a leader of a party did not campaign on Sundays because of his religious convictions and unless on stumbled across that fact in the media few people were aware of it. We do not wear ur religious beliefs on our sleeves like a lot of wackos do down south. Gotta go, I just sighted a new comet.
Let us try CONCENTRIC Not bragging, but it took me all of 15 seconds. Is this a trick question ?
Daren1, you are right on.
Possibly ma tante
Mighty fine eating.
Eating liver can do it.
Cities of note bordering the US and Canada are Detroit/Windsor. By the way,Alaska and the US are one and the same. Also, Stewart, BC and Hyder, Alaska are only this far apart. When I was last up there neither country had border guards. I was told the Canucks had a guard for a short period of time. When the locals blew up his vehicle he beat a hasty retreat.T his may be an urbanl legend.
If you have a valid drivers license and your GP gives you the ok there is no reason why you cannot drive any motor vehicle. Here, in British Columbia, deaf people have the right to drive. It is very disconcerting to get behind a carload of them on the freeway when they are signing. All you see are noses and fingers. There ought to be a law against that like there is against cell-phone usage and texting.
Take a nap.