Answers: 2
What are the rules and regultions when a petrol tanker entres a forecourt?
Answers: 2 Views: 276 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
If it is an LCD (licence controlled delivery) then it is the resposability of the competant person nominated by the garage.This competant person will have been on a course on how to work with the tanker driver to deliver the fuel safely.This will also include watching the tanker in and out of the forecourt.Cones will be placed around other pumps that are 2metres near where the delivery is taking place. Also tyre inflator machines and jet wash machines will also be turned off. This is to prevent any static build up happening and causing an explosion. Mobile phones and other electronic devices will also be turned off if the are within the working distance of the delivery.Absoloutly no smoking !!
Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
What are the rules and regultions when a petrol tanker entres a forecourt?
Answers: 2 Views: 276 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
If it is an LCD (licence controlled delivery) then it is the resposability of the competant person nominated by the garage.This competant person will have been on a course on how to work with the tanker driver to deliver the fuel safely.This will also include watching the tanker in and out of the forecourt.Cones will be placed around other pumps that are 2metres near where the delivery is taking place. Also tyre inflator machines and jet wash machines will also be turned off. This is to prevent any static build up happening and causing an explosion. Mobile phones and other electronic devices will also be turned off if the are within the working distance of the delivery.Absoloutly no smoking !!
Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

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