Don't get caught up in the hype, its not 2012, and yes GOD knows. You could not do anything even if it did happen, worry about something more important. Or better still don't worry be happy.
Best to go ask your Doctor get a check up and they will answer your questions
That's the beauty of your body, the white blood cells know when there has been an invasion because they are everywhere.
Cancer is a protection system set up by the body to encase all the negative toxins, whether they are emotional feelings and thoughts, anger, lack of love or other emotional lack, fear, pesticide, acidity, that the body has encased in a tumor like structure. It can be easily removed by going within looking at what the emotional discord is with it and releasing that with love. LOVEing it is the big key, Cancer is easy to move with love. It can also be removed by making your body alkaline, that is changing your diet to all natural, eating lots of greens and staying away from acid foods. There is lots of information on the internet about alkaline/acid.
If you need help with the emotional stuff, go to the site and find yourself an experienced practitioner that feels right for you.