Answers: 14
Legalizing abortions federally?
Answers: 6 Views: 1368 Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

My wife, before we separated, went to an abortion clinic against my wishes. She said that she just wanted information from the doctor. They then talked her into having the abortion like any business would talk a client to buy their product, and she got the abortion. They gave her a needle to fight cancer, but the shot wasn't for cancer, it was for the baby. She was two months pregnant, and the doctors told her that it was just an embryo. The anger, no, that is too light a word, the rage that I felt when that was said. I talked with the nurse and she told me that I have nothing to do with that decision. I wanted to punch her face in, but I knew that to be wrong. I just calmly told her to shut her fucking mouth and leave the room. Now that you know that I am emotionally involved with this subject, I wish that all abortions were illegal. Yes, they should be banned.

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
Media Misleading Americans About Inflation
Answers: 4 Views: 2705 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

The ECB just dramatically raised its inflation expectations for 2011. The ECB has a sole mandate of price stability, but the Federal Reserve's mandate is not only price stability, but also maximum employment and moderate long-term interest rates. Printing money does not create jobs, except for temporary government jobs that act as a burden on the rest of the economy. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has been obsessing over the fact that the U.S. doesn't have any wage inflation, as a reason not to raise interest rates. As NIA has long been predicting for years, wages will be last to rise during the current inflationary crisis. If wages in the U.S. were rising at the same rate as energy, food, and clothing, price inflation wouldn't be a problem at all. The fact that wages aren't keeping up with rising prices should actually be a good reason to raise interest rates immediately.

China is so disturbed by the inflation being created by both the Federal Reserve and ECB, that they are looking to abandon both currencies and position the yuan as the next reserve currency. The biggest news of this past week, which conveniently got swept under the rug by the U.S. mainstream media, was news out of China that they will be allowing trades to settle in yuan instead of the U.S. dollar. China is simply responding to overseas demand from those who don't wish to hold on to large amounts of U.S. dollar reserves that are rapidly being debased by the Federal Reserve. By the end of 2011, Chinese exporters and importers will be able to settle cross border transactions in their own currency, instead of U.S. dollars. China is working to rapidly grow the yuan's role in international trade and NIA believes it will soon become the world's new reserve currency by default.

The fact is, if the Chinese abandoned the U.S. dollar, China would immediately have the world's largest economy as a result of the yuan strengthening in value. Over 70% of U.S. GDP is consumer spending and when Americans can no longer import cheap goods from China using money we borrow from them, consumer spending will fall off a cliff. Canada and other resource rich nations have nothing to worry about. Just as one small example, the U.S. for many years has been the largest importer of lumber from Canada. Shockingly, the U.S. share of lumber imports from Canada has fallen just about in half percentage wise in recent years from 70% to 36%. Now, it is expected that China will displace the U.S. as the largest importer of lumber from Canada by 2012.

Besides Canada, NIA has long said that one of our favorite places to emigrate to is Australia, because Australia's central bank was the first to raise interest rates. The Reserve Bank of Australia has interest rates at 4.75% compared to Australia's inflation rate of 2.7%. The Reserve Bank of Australia is the only major central bank with interest rates that are positive in real terms. Despite having the highest interest rate out of all major developed countries, Australia's GDP is still growing 2.7% on an annual basis.

The U.S. GDP is only growing due to artificially low interest rates of 0%-0.25%, where the Federal Reserve has held them for over two years. Artificially low interest rates of 0%-0.25% basically means that the U.S. economy is on life support. Any kind of economic growth during this period is phony and only due to inflation. Australia has a truly healthy economy, being that it is growing with modest interest rates. If the Federal Reserve raised interest rates to a modest level of 4.75% like Australia, there would immediately be a massive wave of debt defaults that sends the U.S. economy into a tailspin. We would experience a crash much worse than the Great Depression, which will likely be so bad that the median priced U.S. home will fall in half from $158,800 down to only $79,400.

Silver just reached a new 31-year high on Friday of $35.32 per ounce up 103% since NIA declared silver the best investment for the next decade on December 11th, 2009, at $17.40 per ounce. The short squeeze in silver that NIA first predicted on April 3rd, 2010, in its article entitled "Silver Short Squeeze Could Be Imminent", is now taking place as we speak. NIA was one of the first to connect the dots and expose to the world why the Federal Reserve was so eager to orchestrate a bailout of Bear Stearns, but didn't mind allowing Lehman Brothers to fail. Bear Stearns was the holder of a massive naked silver short position in silver that was being used to artificially hold silver prices down. As part of JP Morgan's takeover of Bear Stearns, the Federal Reserve guaranteed to cover certain losses that would arise from the Bear Stearns portfolio, and this most likely included the silver short position.

Unfortunately, the average American family still has the bulk of their savings invested in Real Estate, when it should be invested in silver. In NIA's first ever documentary 'Hyperinflation Nation', in which we urged viewers to get out of Real Estate and invest into silver, the median U.S. home to silver ratio was 14,700. In NIA's second major documentary 'The Dollar Bubble', we once again discussed the median U.S. home to silver ratio, which was now down to 9,900, and predicted a further major decline. The median U.S. home to silver ratio is now down to 4,500. This means U.S. Real Estate has lost 69% of its value priced in silver in just the past 21 months alone. NIA is 100% sure that this ratio will decline to below 1,000 this decade and probably bottom around 500. Therefore, even if the Federal Reserve keeps interest rates near zero, we are still looking at another 78%-89% decline in the price of Real Estate in terms of silver.

NIA has been warning the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates almost since the time they lowered them down to near zero. The longer they keep interest rates where they are now, the higher interest rates will need to rise later this decade to counteract the damage being done today. It is shocking to us how the financial mainstream media still uses the bond market to determine inflation expectations. Comparing U.S. treasury yields to Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) yields does not accurately determine inflation expectations. TIPS are a scam, because they are based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)'s Consumer Price Index (CPI), which the government does everything in its power to manipulate as low as possible in order to keep payment increases to Social Security recipients as low as possible. The bond bubble is the largest bubble in world history and during bubbles in the financial markets, assets always get mispriced.

NIA doesn't understand how the mainstream media allows Bernanke to get away with testifying in front of Congress this week, "the recent rise in commodity prices will lead to, at most, a temporary and relatively modest increase in U.S. consumer price inflation" and that rising gas prices “do not yet pose a significant risk either to the recovery or to the maintenance of overall stable inflation". NIA is one of the few organizations out there challenging Bernanke's belief that we have "overall stable inflation". We know this to be the exact opposite of the truth.

The new Apple iPad 2 being released this month is going to be 33% thinner than the original iPad, but it will be sold at the same price as the first version. NIA forecasts that the BLS will use hedonics to say that the iPad 2 is now 33% better than the first iPad, being that it is thinner. With the price being the same as the old thicker version, the BLS will consider the new version to be 33% cheaper once quality adjustments are factored in. This type of deception will help cancel out food and energy price inflation when the BLS reports the CPI in the upcoming months.

We are sure that the millions of sheep in America who will wait for ten hours across a dozen city blocks to be the first to purchase the new iPad 2 will agree with Bernanke that inflation in the U.S. is overall very stable. However, for the overwhelming majority of Americans who see food and gas prices spiraling out of control, they have nobody to thank more than Bernanke. NIA will not rest until we educate as much of the world as possible to the fact that inflation is the root of all evil.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Unions--For or against?
Answers: 14 Views: 3196 Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

The government is broke, and on the verge of a shutdown. In my opinion, we can not afford to keep the unions at this time, but we may have room for it later if so voted. We first have to put our econemy in the right direction, so that we can have the means to pay the amounts demanded by the unions. All that, if I was for the unions, but unfortunatlly for them I am not. We honestly don't need the unions in my opinion. They do more harm to the econemy than good, expecially now.

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
Give me 3 reasons why the US should continue to supoort Israel
Answers: 25 Views: 3788 Rating: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

1.) They are friendly to the US. -- As seen above--

2.) The Bible sais that whoever defende Israel will be on GODs side. -- As seen Above--

3.) If nothing else, we need to have some friends in the middle east to count on.

We have military bases all over the world, and it would be great to have some place to send our troops if war would ever break out. We can not afford to keep sending out troops to bases "close to", and "not at".

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
Is weight lifting healthy?
Answers: 4 Views: 2395 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

Yes, I am an avid weight lifter. i went from being 144 LBS. in High School to 210 LBS. ten years later. It's all muscle weight. The stress that you put on your body is good for the muscle. It makes lifting things that would have normally hurt me in High School very easy now. As long as you don't go crazy with the amount of weights lifted, you will end up feeling better and stronger than if you only did sit-ups and push-ups.

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
Do You Think There Will Be A Government Shutdown
Answers: 3 Views: 2017 Rating: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

Yes! Corporate greed along with the Federal Reserve and other big bankers, Stoke market heads, stupid politicians, and the Federal debt all bring this about. They don't know what to do about Social Security, Medicare, or the possibility of our sold bonds from other countries being sold. They have no agrements, and I blame the Democrats the most. There whole angle is to make the Republicans look bad, so they waited until the Republicans went first before trying to scapegoat through them, but they are both to blame. What we really need is a Government overhaul. Get rid of all the people who wish to destroy America, and put in Americans that will do something.

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
Glenn Beck on Fox News what do you think?
Answers: 19 Views: 3001 Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

I have been following him for weeks now, and yes, he is spot on. The passion that I hold for this country is great, but he fuels my fire. Governmnet is a wreck, talks of the 12 IMAM (Second Coming of the Savior), and plans to destroy America has all been uncovered by him. He really is a great journalist.

The problome that I keep coming accross is how the media, politics, and the general public are being controlled. There is a plan from someone at that Jeckle Island meeting years ago that's coming to fruition. This really has become a scary place for the everyday American. It's a good thing that I am not that everyday American. I am a FIGHTER.

Rating: 6 Posted: 13 years ago
Can Democracy Thrive in the Middle East?
Answers: 4 Views: 2715 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

The best answer is NO. Democracy can't even work in America, let alone the middle east. Their religion alone won't allow it. Not to mention the extremist groups going at it everyday. It will be a swift take over. There will be revolts like you see on the news right now. What these people need, is a government that is steele fisted, and a dictatorship. You know like the one they have now, but elect a good dictator. Sounds crazy, I know, but I feel that is what we need here in America.

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
I want money from you
Answers: 9 Views: 1908 Rating: -1 Posted: 13 years ago

I have to say that this makes me laugh. I always thought,"what if everyone in the USA gave me a dollar? It wouldn't hurt them financially, so what would be the problem? I would become a multi-millionare overnight!" I then thought about the best means to spending that kind of money. It turns out that I woud end up getting rid of peoples debt publicly. They would have to show me that they have been trying to pay off their bills, but couldn't. I would have to do this, because I wouldn't want someone to charge up a Ferarri sized bill the day before and expect me to sypethise. Unlike a bank, you wouldn't have to pay me back, and your debt would be erased. With that said, my debt would be erased (naturally it would be) first. I would try to make as many people happy as I could.

Like I said, it was an out of reach thought from a twenty one year old man. I am twenty eight now, and would still like to see it happen, but who would be up to doing something like that? Send a check for $1?

If I look at it with the lowest possible chance of making it a reality, along with the trying and acceptance of the people. Even to get four hundred million dollars out of them, the success rate would be about fourty percent. I made a breakdown of who would, could, and won't, but it would be a whole other story. Now, it would only get that high if there was a gimmic, and the chance of being one of the many. Basically a lottory would happen, but there would be thousands of winners, not just one or possibly two. I am here to answer your question, not to ask my own, so, sorry about that! :)

You see, the way that you presented your question sounds greedy, and I think to myself, "who are you for me to give my hard earned money to?" Along with that, I would ask,"What's the matter with him, is he/she lazy?"

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
Am I being brainwashed by my t.v.???
Answers: 15 Views: 2351 Rating: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

You know, the govenment is tricky. They will tell you that everything is ok, and that they have everything under control. What they really have, is there hand up there ass, middle finger up. They are trying to redirect you from the seriousness of what is transpiring and giving you some tacky bullshit about Carlie fucking Sheen. It get's me so upset that sometimes I feel like sticking my head in the microwave.
What the government is doing, is showing you the life of a stupid person to distract you from the big picture. America is in debt, and our retard of a president just sits back and lets the actions unfold. Just to vere from the topic for a moment, our puppet of a president is being told by the banks what to do in this situation. He is being told to run America so far in debt that we can not get out. Then he will propose a world currency on us and we will have to use that.
The problem in Cairo, Libia, and the USA is pretty much the same. All we have to do is revolt against the government and we will get things done too. Maybe our congress will begin developing a brain at that time.

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

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