What happens after death depends on what happened while you were living.
What happens after death depends on what choice you made while you were living.
Did you choose to KNOW The ONE who Created YOU ?
It is so cool that you asked the question of what you should do. I hope you reached out to an adult like everyone suggested. It took courage to ask your question & I hope the problem has been resolved. No one deserves to be bullied. It is harrassment & it is wrong! You don't deserve this treatment in High School or at any other time in your life.
I came to my faith through suffering. I am 49 years old and my life has been full of great loss and hardship. Throughout all the heartache and pain, there was something that upheld me. It is sometimes hard to explain because it comes from a place so deep within. I know it is real and also the only reason I haven't put myself out of my own misery. My faith comes from believing Jesus Christ is the living son of God. He was born of the virgin Mary, was cruixified, buried, rose again & is now with God waiting for the time he will return to earth. When he went to be with His Father God, he left us with His Holy Spirit. Once we ask Jesus Christ to be our Lord & Savior, admit we have messed up and say we're sorry for it, he comes to us in a way that again, is so hard to explain. It's His Holy Spirit that lives within us and helps guide and direct us in this thing called life. Jesus lived on this earth and he knows its not easy. He prays continually for us to God the father. He is on our side and he loves us. My faith came to be because I felt his love and I know it's true. I've been hurt, misled and failed in many areas of my life; however, I know, that I know, that there is something real about Jesus and what he has to offer.
Why do you need to become an actress? Why do you want to become an actress?
Go to the Dr. or emergency room & tell them what happened. They will know if you're on the up & up or scaming. If the story is true. They will for sure re-perscribe and you will be able to get your meds at the pharmacy. You are not the first person who has had meds stolen or lost. There is a way to have them replaced and this is the only legal way to go about it.
I have researched the information he presents and am amazed at how accurate he is. He is sharing key information with the public that isn't being shown on the regular media stations. It's important that people don't believe everything they are told by the mainstream media and that they research the facts on their own. It really is interesting to see what you find. The frustrating part is finding information that should be shared that isn't.