the spleen is like the appendix and is not really needed supposedly..................buty hey I aint a doctor so go see one.
CAINS WIFE................isnt she charity or chastity in emmerdale!!!!!!!!!!!
you have to comb out all the little dead buggers I'm afraid or yr head will keep itching......then use a regular shampoo with tea tree oil in or rinse with vinegar to keep the little devils at bay.
well I am 58 and have had three hubbys, but you never know yr luck I could find a fourth somewhere out there who will accept me with all my baggage....................and it wouldn't bother me personally if he had been married ten times if I actually loved him or if he had 20 kids.................
I just wish that I had three wishes to begin with lol......................then I would wish for three more, then three more, then three more.................I guess I am just a greedy cow lol
well when you have an abortion its not really a child in the actual sense of the word really is it....and what is heaven and what is hell..........hell is the life we are all leading now on earth with this bloody recession, now thats what I call hell............heaven would be having enough money to live on, without having to scrimp and scrape and rob peter to pay paul, to be healthy, wealthy and to where the phoetus goes after an abortion....well sorry to be so blunt but it goes in the incinerator...............
Personally I love solitaire and all the other card games..............but I do believe its those building your own farm/city etc type games that are the most popular.......