They don't want to accomplish anything for the Black people. That would not serve their purpose. Their purpose is totally self serving. They are supposed to be Reverends and Doctors. All of their problems are someone else's fault. They have no solutions for the Black people. And they cannot see that or they don't want to see that. I don't believe it will ever change.
YA-HOO, HE-HAW & YEE-HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't believe we did.You can see anything on TV. If we did, then why did we go there? We spent millions for nothing?
I watched "As good as it gets" again today. Jack said something to the gay guy about "How's that working for you:"? And he said back to him,""How's that working for you"?
His idea about separate the queers fron the lesbians and the gays will die out because they can't reproduce is so wrong. Gays are born from Hetero-sexuals. Correct me if I'm wrong. He said queers in church.