Most of the brand name religion have very littlt knowledge of the bible. Most rely on tradition. Most religions I have seen are more about money than anything else. I have been to the Vatican. What I saw there is very expensive. Not the kind of stuff Jesus had. A person who has accurate knowledge from the bible, and actually knows something about GOD would be humbled Not condecending or self richeous. I actually like a person who conducts himself in that way. But don't tell me how richeous you are. I got no time for that
Probably should not think that what happened last time will happen again. I am sure that when it does happen you will feel differently, Pretty awesom things are forcasted
Where did the 99.9% come from ? The Bible says no one knows the hour or the day...............
According to the Bible he is the son of God. Might be a good idea to do a little research
It is not a joke. Every prophesy in the Bible which has been fulfilled up to now was fulfilled exactly as the scriptures said. If someone told you the truth 1oo times, would you doubt that what he told you the next was not true. It is easy to be distracted from that which is really important. The world controlled by satan can keep us busy. We must be aware of this and foucs on what is really important...............our relationship with the creator and owner of this planet, our home. He must receive from us what he requires or we cannot be tennants here. He wants us to Honor him, love and worship him. In order to be able to do this we must have accurate knowledge (John 17:3) You cannot have a relationship with someone you do not know. He has not told us when Jesus is comming to rid the Earth of what is not acceptable to him or his father. He has told us at Acts 17:31 that the day to do it is set.............
It is true there have always been wars on earth. But they have never be in so many places with such great number of casulties at the same time. Also Jesus told the deciples that they would hear of wars, earthquakes, ect. What age before ours would even know if such things happened until long afterwards if ever. The communication system which exist today enables us to 'hear" of these things when they happen. It might be well to read 2 Peter 3:4 . These are not normal timnes.......
The scripture at Matthew 24: says the deciples asked what the signs of his presence would be ( the greek word used is means not comming but presence). Given that fact the signs are evident then he is present. Psalms 110:1-2 says he would go subduing in the midst of his enemys. Satan and those led by him now are controling the earth. In the Model prayer at Matthew 6:9-11 we are instructed to pray for GOD'S kingdom to come and his will to be done in the earth. Jesus Christ is the annointed king of that Kingdom. He will soon act to remove the wicked from the earth and finish what was started in the garden of eden. His purpose will be fulfilled on the earth. Just as Isa 55:11 says. What he says happens. Now the question, when will this happen. Well Jesus said that no one but the Father knows. Given the world situation though, it would have to be soon. Psalms 92:7 says that when wicked are like the vegitation,"everywhere" in the earth that it would be then that the destruction of the wicked would come. How much worse can mankind be and not destroy himself. If it does not happen soon, there will be nothing left here.