You will not like this but it works. If he has never been spanked do it and do it well. Whe he calms down tell him you will never do that again if he cooperates with the teacher and most other children's habits at school. If it works, great, if not, continue until it does. 123...hand paddle belt. No success is rare but if nothing physical works see a child Psych. Do not "coddle' him or future results will produce a wimpy kid with no friends. I have 2 girls, one boy, 6,7,8,. Only had to use the method on one and all is fine. (No wierd stuff, just spank medium with all clothes on).
MP, RRT, ex Pro football
Touching my fave "spot" causes an immediate satisfaction, sometimes too soon.
Religion fights mankind and removes the simplicity necessary to truly believe. Keep the faith and all else will fall into place. The American Indians achieved the simplicity. The Great Spirit and Spirit Guides in the guise of animals. We left Europe to pursue religious freedom but took away the simple answer from "barbarian" Indians by deeming them pagans. (Our own little Crusade and Inquisition) I love God or the Great Spirit but have little regard for religion.