yes i do believe in good ethics. i always say "alot of days for you but, just one day for the boss" so, if your doing wrong many days ur not getting away with it cause, the boss will catch you one day. then your out
i love cats i just don't like when they look into your eyes and then there eyes turn yellow like the sun that is scary for me.
ask them do the praise God. if they say yes. then tell them oh i thought you didnot cause the words that come out your mouth don't match your beautiful personality. that might work. if they say no then tell them that cursing you alway do is taking away from your beautiful personality tht might work
wash with vinegar let dry then put baking soda for four hours then vacum you be fine
i am sorry for what is going on with you he is not a good person. He should be there for you and stop thinking so selffesh if you feel that he is cheating on you that is what your heart feels then thtis what it is. let him go set yourself from him you could do better by yourself and he will pay the concequences. if he get cought out there with aids
God is love and in his mind hell fire was not is not in his heart. cause you as parent would never put ur child in fire for ever because he has did sin against you. and your child has asked you to forgive him. so does tht make since to punish your child forever where is your love. that is why God sent his onlybegotton son for us to have forgiveness