'Spirituality' is simply the outcome of psychic trauma experienced at birth time and in the early childhood of some rare people.They develop halucinatios and strange thoughts as a defece mechanism to get off the tragic state of mind.The less affected persons of the same same category are attracted towards their sayings ,otherwise the fact is that nature is everything and everything is happening in a natural way it cannot happen otherwise.Even nature has no power to do it in a different way. Nature is only a system not power.That system is called god and now you can see who could create god or if there is really a god.
The reason you hate someone is ,either you are afraid of him or you give him importance and seek love from him.Find the answer within.
death's day is dooms day, so every one has his dooms day. so called profecies regarding dooms day are all nonsense. people think them true because of individual fear of death which is in every person.