I believe that God, our Father and Creator, will rid this world of corrupt governments (Daniel 2:44 and Revelation16: 14 and 16) false eligion (Revelation 18: 2,8 also Rev.17: 16-18) and "ungodly men(and women)" (1Peter 3:7) and will, in their place establish a righteous government that most Christians pray for in the"Our Father" or "Lord"s Prayer". I believe at that time peace, true peace, not just the absence of war, will prevail.
I also believe that God allows all this suffering-including 9/11- for a reason. He is all-powerful and could at any time put an end to it, but He has to settle the question raised in the Garden of Eden (check with Matthew 19: 4 for Jesus belief in the first man and woman). The question was raised by Satan (Matthew 4: 1-11 in case you don't believe he is real) about God's rulership.
Right now the Bible tells us that the "whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one" (1John 5:19) and Jesus called him the 'ruller of the world" (John 14:30, 12:31.16:11) which pretty much explains why we are in such a mess.
Jesus also said "Your word is truth" (John 17:17)Every promise of God will come abot. The Lord"s prayer will be fulfilled. God's Kingdom will come and His Will will be done on earth. So until the question of God's rightful rulership; is settled, we have to endure because He has such a wonderfu futere in store for us that it is worth the endurance ((Hebrews 10:36)