The other name for Tramadol is "Ultram." :D
MCG=micrograms. :D
I am a nurse, and have been taught all about "Conventional Medicine" But for the past several years, i've become interested in homeopathy treatments/all natural supplements.... Anyway..I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT "MILK THISTLE SUPPLEMENTS" (make sure they're purchased @ a Health Food Store and NOT a GROCERY STORE--they are of a much better quality ect...) ARE EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL FOR THE LIVER!!! I had a friend who had liver failure related to alcoholism and dr"s didnt give him much hope, but he started a MILK THISTLE REGIMEN along with multi-vitamins, and actually improved his condition within less than a year. Your liver is one of the organs that can repair itself, and with the aid of this wondeful supplement, i believe will help you!!! GOOD LUCK!!! (Sorry sooo long..could have just replied: "Milk Thistle" hu?? -SORRY! LOL. -Heidi)