Remedy is for white males born in states to exit U.S. citizen recognition by returning to birth right 10th Ammendment common law standing American citizen. This ocuppies the succession position of law and authority the Founders intended future people to be. Foreign nations/international law limits sovereign recognition to white males as all founding signatures which empowered U.S. govt. were white males. Thus only white males that seperate can kick start the 10th Ammendment voting process to reserve new rights not known which changes govt. and the entire political/financial landscape. First vote is to make 10th Ammendment standing people all inclusive whereby everyone becomes one of the dejure.bonafide people govt. is to serve. Next people vote can be to make all foreigners outside America sponsored into American Embassadorship by pledging allegience to Constitution for the United States of America. Whats being done is making all human kind sovereign in repect to all govt. Not above law but equal under it. Makes war impossible,cleans up global political process, ends foreign lobby influence, ends money power in politics,creates true justice,empowers people,seperates everyone from being tied to debts and obligations of govt.,and, most importantly, protects govt. and people from debts which no U.S. citizen can challenge or question nor govt. can impair or resolve. It does unto the lenders of last resort what they've allowed to happen against all govt. and all people and became enriched doing so.