I dont know how useful it will be as you say your tired, but i heard somewhere that excerising helps fight depression, something to do with (excuse my spelling) endolfins? they make you feel proud of yourself and happy? Plus it might tire you out that you sleep at night.
Its a difficult situation as i understand you want to do everything you can to save your friend, but at the same time you dont want to push them near the edge.
The only thing i can suggest would be remind them of all the good things in their lives, their family and friends around him and that they love him and this would hurt them so much, would he want to see those who love him in pain?
Get him to list all the problems in his life, and one by one work together to sort these out and if you cant get professional help. Maybe going to see a doctors (i dont know how useless they'd be but you dont know till you try, right) Maybe counselling talking to someone they dont know will help them get it all off their chest.
I really hope your able to help your friend, good luck.
After reading your story, to me it sounds like thiss man is a guttless coward, instead of facing whatever problems head on, his decided to make things even worse for you and himself.
Id say, kick him out, your better then him, you have just completed chemo so you have more important things to think about then the waste of space whos meant to be your partner.
I really hope your be ok, and this jerk gets what he deserves one way or another, and you my dear are obviously too good for him and never deserved you in the first place.
Im currently dieting, and all ive done is cut out bread, and done some jogging a couple times a week, i havent weighed myself yet but already my trousers are feeling loser and im feeling better in myself.
For the answer above, cutting out all carbs, the thing is with you tend to put weight on ( a couple of my friends have tried this diet and always put weight on ) as it stores the fat as your not giving it carbs
Hope it helps