i agree,gas prices go high and because we depend too much on it they know nomater the price we gonna pay for it like it or not.i think people need to start walking,riding a bike,or public transit to lower gas consuption and i think that ill be a good way to make oil companies lower prices.
i dont have a problem with them.i think we should all be thankful they make sure we are safe.im very thankful they park in front of my kids school make sure kids are safe when crossing and nobody speeding when kids are out.
its food chain and us humans are on top so far.everybody eats everybody just like big fish eat lil fish at one point in human history there was canibalism and im sure we must taste really good when they had feast with human meat.its all about survival. and all the i dont eat things that are alive well everything is alive just veggies dont move or make noise.
i have to name a couple jimmy hendrix , carlos santana and of course slash :)