Real men believe in Karma
If you fear death, death will not fear you. Death is an element of the Karma's cycle, it has nothing to do with life, It only matters what feel inside of your heart, You can always choose between life and death, but sometimes the choice is hard to see. As told Confucius : "????????. ?? ???? !!! ??????????? .... ? "
Yes, Karma's not a Joke! You have to Open your Shakra and be in total symbiosis with Water, Fire, Earth, and AIR at the same time to be able to read it. You may see bad and sad things, but it's sometimes good to see bad and sad things, y'all should try to Open your mind to that stuff As told Durga an Hindou god : "Uff bache ne ankh nai kholi K pehle hi badmash, bana diya, pata nai agey kia hoga jajaja gugli mugli bacha" (: