The fact that it's god Allah is one of many pagan gods is proof enough that Islam is not a true religion. Amoral folks don't have that build in moral system you're referring to so it wouldn't help them be good inside and out. The two commandments Jesus spoke of: To love God with all your heart, soul and mind;
to love your neighbor as yourself seems to sum up our moral duty. First you need to BELIEVE this. Without FAITH one really finds it too hard to be good all the time all by oneself. BTW there is a religion called Satanism. They believe Satan is a god. Not making that up. Might do you well to study religions to clarify what you call confusion.
Islam is a pagan religion since its god is Allah who is a moon god and not Yahweh, the God of the Christians and Jews. An angel appeared to Mohamed and instructed him. Many believe it was Satan. Lucifer was an archangel in heaven before his pride turned him into Satan. Satanists today believe that Lucifer or Satan is the good god and Yahweh is the bad god since he punishes for sinning. This main misconception is used to draw people hook, line and sinker into this deceptive belief. So Islam is not a true religion.
Islam is a pagan religion since its god is Allah who is a moon god and not Yahweh, the God of the Christians and Jews. An angel appeared to Mohamed and instructed him. Many believe it was Satan. Lucifer was an archangel in heaven before his pride turned him into Satan. Satanists today believe that Lucifer or Satan is the good god and Yahweh is the bad god since he punishes for sinning. This main misconception is used to draw people hook, line and sinker into this deceptive belief. So Islam is not a true religion.