And what about cigaretts,they are expensive,and once you are hooked it is very hard to break the habit,you spend hundreds of dollars on stupid stuff that you think will help you quit,but,it does not help. Cigaretts and alcohol are a lot worse on you than marijuana ever was.You could take a poll and you would find out that the people who smoke marijuana live a lot longer,health wise,than the people who smoke cigaretts and drink alcoholic beverages.I think the legal system should give us back our freedom and let us do what ever the**** we want to do! They do,they drink their alcohol and smoke their cigaretts !!
I agree with McDean,there have been a lot more people killed by drunk drivers than people who smoke pot,just about everyone in our whole county drinks alcohol,including the whole police dept.,and I think alcoholic beverages should be illegal too,or else marijuana should be legalized.So if you have not tried it,don't knock it!! Coach and Angie you really think you know all about everything ,but,you really don't!!