When my daughter was just tiny, she was trying to stand up, and she grabbed one of the cords. It fell, and the screen cracked. I didn't mind, I was just glad she was okay. My husband was pretty heartbroken though. He tried to have it fixed, but it wasn't possible. I am not sure if the two televisions are at all the same, but I know for us, it couldn't be fixed.
<a href='http://www.abctvrepair.org/' > http://www.abctvrepair.org/</a>
I am trying to figure out the same thing. My central air was not running as well as it usually did, so I called the company. They asked my to look up the serial number on the spring. I found the spring, but no number. The person on the other line told me to look on the back. There is no back on a spring. I told him I'd call him back when I figured it out, and that was two weeks ago. I am right there with you, I can't find it either!
<a href='http://www.comfortsolutionsutah.com/air-conditioning/' > http://www.comfortsolutionsutah.com/air-conditioning/</a>
My daughter was in a car accident, and her face got some scars, and she is very insecure about them. Our doctor referred us to a plastic surgeon. They were able to help out my daughter, and get rid of the scars.
<a href='http://www.drsanjaylalla.com' > http://www.drsanjaylalla.com</a>
I don't know. They look very nice, that might be why. I think they would look great on my own home! I am just not sure how reliable they are.
<a href='http://www.homesteadroofing.com/emergency_service.html' > http://www.homesteadroofing.com/emergency_service.html</a>