Understanding the actual science of our natural world, you'll be much more amazed, humbled and awe-struck at what has evolved NATURALLY than you would reading the creation story in Genesis. "God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It" is a pale comparison to the majestic story of how evolution and natural selection account for everything you see around you. Read Richard Dawkin's "The Greatest Show on Earth", recently published with a person like you in mind as a reader...don't go spread babble that you read in a Bronze Age manuscript...read, learn and improve yourself.
The Holy Bible as God's Word: Old and New Testaments are scraps of manuscripts written for people of the Bronze Age. They addressed core issues for those people: gored oxen, selling daughters into slavery, stoning enemies and other fine points of religious law. The writers had no notion they would be read and mis-translated and mis-quoted 2-thousand years later! PLEASE read some good solid biblical research and learn the ACTUAL history of The Bible...start with any book by Bart D. Ehrman, eg "Misquoting Jesus" or "Lost Christianities" and actually LEARN about your religion's history!
Christians are atheists with regard to thousands of gods: Allah, Buddah, Baal, Krishna, Vishnu and all the rest thru history...you KNOW with all your heart those other gods are 'false'. All we Free Thinking Atheists ask is that you take the final step and banish that one, last 'god' from your life and dare to think freely
You Christians are atheists with regard to thousands of gods: Allah, Buddah, Baal, Krishna, Vishnu and all the rest thru history...all we Free Thinking Atheists ask is that you take the final step and banish that one, last 'god' from your life and dare to think freely!